
Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I've just aquired a Wolf 90" soft top and wondered whether or not any of you experts could tell me the correct way to take the soft top off and fold it up for storage.
Many thanks,


Oh, and can the wheel be mounted on the bonnet without causing any problems?
You seen tomorrow's forecast?
Never mind taking it off...can you get it back on..quickly???? :bolt:
Wheell can go on the bonnet it improves mpg. But you need the support on the underside of the bonnet. And opening the bonnet becomes a work out. And of course the mounting for the wheel
bonnet mount can come from paddocks, took me about an hour and a half to fit, not too bad.
have a look under yer bonnet, if theres 2 bars going accross between the front?back bars your ok, if not you need to add a 2nd bar, the extra support plates come with the kit
the wolf has the wheel on the side as on the bonnet it was trashing the top of the engine

cheers steve
My wheel is mounted on the side but becomes a pain if I want to take the roof off.
I've taken my wheel off & put it in the garage, assuming I won't get a puncture!
I'd still like to know the correct way of removing the soft top though, any ideas out there?

It's not hard Slime. Fold the sides up over the top then fold it in on itself. When you put it back you should start at the front to get it right on the windscreen then the rest is easy.
Also I was still serving when the army switched to wolfs. We were told not to move the spare to the bonnet as after a while when the bonnet is well bend there is a risk of damage to the engine. I think specifically fuelling if I remember rightly. This was a long time back though. Don't forget that a bonnet with a heavy weight on it and years of squadies jumping on it will result in a big dent (I've seen it)
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Also I was still serving when the army switched to wolfs. We were told not to move the spare to the bonnet as after a while when the bonnet is well bend there is a risk of damage to the engine. I think specifically fuelling if I remember rightly. This was a long time back though. Don't forget that a bonnet with a heavy weight on it and years of squadies jumping on it will result in a big dent (I've seen it)

Thanks for your help lucifus, much appreciated.
I'm assuming that punctures are nigh on impossible during normal road use, so I've stashed mine in my garage!

i too was serving when the wolf came into service and they did say dont move it but squaddies are idiots and drive like they stole it cross country and jump up and down on it. my current 90 has the wheel on the bonnet and it saves in gym membership as i have to bench press the wheel and bonnet to check my oil i would think you'll be ok if your just on the roads
Load of pish. I've never seen any with the engine trashed due to having the wheel there

really.... try looking at posts further on this thread before dismissing...

oh and for good measure suppose i should mention i'm a serving sgt major and have witnessed the damage referred to first hand...

so i will see your 'loads of pish' and raise you ' 23 years of military service' :)

cheers steve
Any advances on 'serving Sgt Major with 23yrs in' ???

Gong once.............going twice......... :D

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