
New Member

I took my car out 2 days ago, and noticed the clutch felt like there was not much resistance.
Went to investigate with a mate today and we found that:

When pressing down on the clutch there was no Resistance at all.
The clutch was not engaging.
There was fluid on the clutch pedal arm and on the foot well under the pedal.
We think the clutch fluid was empty.

Please could someone confirm where the clutch fluid reservoir is on a land rover 110 (1989 110 CSW V8)?????

Is the problem likely to be the clutch or master cylinder?????
My mate says that there is no leakage on the cylinder on the bell housing.


I'm guessing the master setup is likely to be the same as mine which is a later diesel. If so, the resevoir is integral with the master cyl casting and right above the pedal. If you have fluid on the floor it's almost certainly the master as the seals go and then leak fluid down the pedal and into the footwell.

Good luck.
The whole box and pedal come out together by undoing 6 bolts from inside and under the dash. I posted some more details about how to do this a little while ago so should be easy to find. Hope that helps.
Cheers tdi_nush for the help,

Also cheers to Slob for the formula, the answer came to all of the fluid was lost!!


refer to my post in the 90/110 forum re. Clutch.

Always check other posts before making your own.

Note if you choose to replace the cylinder I can give you some advice, I did mine last week.

My mate is getting a cylinder today from work, and were going to have a go at fixing it on the weekend.
If we get stuck i will be sure to shove a post on here, if we get really stuck he will take it into work and get the pro's to do it :D

Ok, well, few words of advice, the bleed screw on the slave on the bell housing, first of all, loosen it, (space is limited and I ended up using a small socket set with about 1foot of extensions on it to get any purchase).

Once you have loosened the bleed screw, get a piece of pipe over it 1/4 inch will do, shove it on and then get ur friend to hit the clutch to get any fluid out (that didnt leak everywhere!) into a clean glass jar.

Finger tighten the bleed screw and keep the old fluid in a clean jar.

Go into the cab, undo the 6 bolts surrounding the clutch pedal, and the one holding spring if this applies to you. At the same time you can get ur friend to disconnect the pipe from the union on the cylinder, and the fuel filter assembly if its bolted onto the side (be carefull, something here went wrong for me and I needed to fix a leak).

Then give it a wee shove and it will come clean off the bulkhead, twist it to the right and then withdraw the pedal through the hole.

Once you get that far its the case of undoing the pushrod nuts and the nuts and bolts to get the cylinder off. At this point then clean the whole lot. The gaskets should be fine if you are careful with them.

Its a revserse to refit.

Bleeding, get the cylinder topped up to the top, get under the and get the pipe over the bleed screw, get the bottom of said pipe into the old fluid, DO NOT LET THE PIPE COME OUT OF IT.

Get your mate to hit the clutch once you have loosened the bleed screw, air will bubble out the pipe (Which you can see in the fluid). Once the clutch is at the bottom, tighten the bleed screw and let him know he can let the clutch back up, make sure the fluid is always good and high. Do this again, and then again if needed, wait untill you get bubble free fluid coming down the pipe. Once this happens nip the bleed screw with a spanner and you should be fine, you may find a little air will work its way out itself.

I am sorry if you know all that but I just thought it would be useful for others looking at this and also, because it would have been great if there was one of these here a week ago.

I have not gone into much detail of the actual cylinder replacement because it is fairly self expanitory, also you will most likly need the adaptor which is on the cylinder, so don't be too hasty throwing away the old cylinder until you have all the bits.

Just to let you know, im 1/2 way completed the replacement, everything you said above is 100% correct, so cheers, just waiting for my mate to bring me a couple of gaskets round as they were both in really bad condition.

Thats great, let me know how it all goes onces its back in and running.

Its amazing, the clutch will have a new feel to it, it started to snow just as I was refitting the pedal box and when I had drove off and had it on a good 2 inch layer of fresh snow I quickly managed to make 2 tons of Defender wheel spin slightly as I mis-judged the "new" biting point.

Mind you it got to the stage I didn't really have one, it was either engaged or, engaged 90%!

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