chris baddeley

New Member
bought me landrover 90 on 22 june this year.
since then i,ve kitted most of the back out and the door with chequer plate
it looks well nice ,
then me next job was to clean and wax oil it , started off wire brush all the old mud then up to the jet wash and it came up fantastic. then started painting it on by brush , then stopped went to get a spray from halford,s and then loads easier, used one 5 litre can , and covered all the back end every where, but i had just the same on me .
week end after went to do the front end but wore paper overall,s a mask and goggles , loads better .another job done ,
me and sam went on a fun day and luved every minute,
then my diesel tank leaked , what a job to get off , it took hours, and same to put a new one on, we had to use a jack in the end .
next job put seats in so we can take the kids .
really easy to do , thang god but you need two people one on a spanner , one on a socket, nice job when finnished .
next job took old bull bars off , replaced with a smart a bar and some winpec,s spot lights , a stainless grill .
looking well smart is me 90 now .
then on went the sump gaurd, and the light grill,s , then the rear chequer plate plate on the cross member, .
wired in a light as was not one in side , and with dark night,s closing in need some light in cab .
just had some bumper,s for rear but not done them yet , but just done the wing top,s in chequer, .
just joined staff,s and shropshire land rover club .
busy life owning a land rover , me and my family luv it to bits ,
next things to do is bumpers rear . spot lights on back,snorkel had one given me from me farther in law but no pipe attached, need to take some more pictures soon and put on me gallery,
thanks for reading cheers chris ,
any body local in staffs , want to get in touch and join staff,s and shropshire land rover club please get in touch , cheers chris
This must qualify for the "Thread revival of the decade" award.
The OP hasn't even logged in on the forum for about .... ooh ...... twelve years (25 Sept 2005) so I doubt if he's even still got the vehicle let alone some piccies of it!
All that chequer plate would have trapped mud behind it and it would have rotted away by now. :(

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