
Active Member
Guys, looking for some advice on this weird one.

So i have 5 landrovers in total and a horsebox parked at my house i own. I've just had a letter from the local authority saying i have breached planning rules by storing vehicles long term. has anyone had this before as i cant find anything online in terms of what planning rules i'm actually breaking.. I dont run a business, all landrovers are in my name and either taxed/mot'd or on Sorn. The house is detached and all vehicles on my private land. They are my hobby so not sure what the issue is. The ones that are not mobile are a 1970 carawagon, ones a 1965 S2a so both classics, ones a 1983 S2 Hicap pickup and also a 1998 110 CSW ive had for 14 years.
Inspector said he visited (without me knowing) and decided the vehicles were in storage as they hadn't moved for at least 28 days....ummm kind of common i would have thought.
Planning officer sounds like he's been a bit over zealous on planning, anyone else had this issue?
Sounds like a neighbour doesnt like what they see and has stirred planning up. Surely if it's your property and your vehicles you can tell him to shove off, planning should only be an issue if people are paying to keep their vehicles at your place
Cheers guys. I spoke to the planning office and they gave me planning refs i need to lookup. Letter was very poor and non specific so think they have buggered up. Defo a neighbour complaining....not the most friendly bunch and expect me to live how they do. Planning officer asked me to write him an email explaining the situation on the vehicles which annoys me as i shouldn't have to justify why i have them. He couldn't define what an authorised or unauthorised vehicle is....that makes it tough to know what they will do next.
Havent they got better things to be doing? Reminds me...must buy that deactivated howitzer to put in the front garden.
As long as there's no covenant attached to the property with restrictions on wheeled vehicles etc then can't see a problem. Heavy handed of the council. Would love to see the legal position they have approached you with
Guys, looking for some advice on this weird one.

So i have 5 landrovers in total and a horsebox parked at my house i own. I've just had a letter from the local authority saying i have breached planning rules by storing vehicles long term. has anyone had this before as i cant find anything online in terms of what planning rules i'm actually breaking.. I dont run a business, all landrovers are in my name and either taxed/mot'd or on Sorn. The house is detached and all vehicles on my private land. They are my hobby so not sure what the issue is. The ones that are not mobile are a 1970 carawagon, ones a 1965 S2a so both classics, ones a 1983 S2 Hicap pickup and also a 1998 110 CSW ive had for 14 years.
Inspector said he visited (without me knowing) and decided the vehicles were in storage as they hadn't moved for at least 28 days....ummm kind of common i would have thought.
Planning officer sounds like he's been a bit over zealous on planning, anyone else had this issue?
He'd better come 'ere, my motorhome has not moved for 6 months now and not likely to do so for at least another four.
Yeah, very heavy handed.....its not so much a legal position they have put forward.....more a point of view. TBH i think when i email hopefully the issue will go away. Fingers crossed. Planning officer stated the letter was more of a warning to get us talking (didnt even know he's been round!!), i pointed out that giving me until Jan 10th to sort it out isn't a warning!!! Anyhow in case it all goes wrong, anyone want to buy some landrovers :)
Yeah, very heavy handed.....its not so much a legal position they have put forward.....more a point of view. TBH i think when i email hopefully the issue will go away. Fingers crossed. Planning officer stated the letter was more of a warning to get us talking (didnt even know he's been round!!), i pointed out that giving me until Jan 10th to sort it out isn't a warning!!! Anyhow in case it all goes wrong, anyone want to buy some landrovers :)
I'd be inclined to not give too many details until you're asked specifically. At least until he can tell you exactly what he thinks you are doing wrong
Yeah, very heavy handed.....its not so much a legal position they have put forward.....more a point of view. TBH i think when i email hopefully the issue will go away. Fingers crossed. Planning officer stated the letter was more of a warning to get us talking (didnt even know he's been round!!), i pointed out that giving me until Jan 10th to sort it out isn't a warning!!! Anyhow in case it all goes wrong, anyone want to buy some landrovers :)

Probably one of those Greens you hear about. Definitely a vegan. Passive aggressive curtain twitcher...
Yeah, very heavy handed.....its not so much a legal position they have put forward.....more a point of view. TBH i think when i email hopefully the issue will go away. Fingers crossed. Planning officer stated the letter was more of a warning to get us talking (didnt even know he's been round!!), i pointed out that giving me until Jan 10th to sort it out isn't a warning!!! Anyhow in case it all goes wrong, anyone want to buy some landrovers :)

Sounds like he might be angling that you have a scrapyard / business etc. More likely fishing expedition ...

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