
Active Member
Hello on eBay I acros
this seller the picture of the red 110 looks like a Landy I read about on here that was stolen but I can't find the original post hope this may help some one

Seller = hollywood4x4-2011

Item = 2209204233538
Yes sorry will have to do a manual search for seller and item I'm on a tablet the eBay app won't let my copy any hyperlinks
You have to wonder why he's breaking such good looking Land Rovers, maybe he's just unlucky and every one he buys is rotten, knackered and only fit for scrap? or maybe there's a better reason. ;):rolleyes:
Just done a Google Street View . Contact address is number 135, post code L269UX
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Just done a Google Street View . Contact address is number 135, post code L269UX

Wouldn't it have been easier to click on the business seller address at the foot of the listing? :doh::doh:

If it wasn't legit it would make far more sense for an ebay seller to use a private ebay account, not a business one!
Wouldn't it have been easier to click on the business seller address at the foot of the listing? :doh::doh:

If it wasn't legit it would make far more sense for an ebay seller to use a private ebay account, not a business one!
:doh: Thats where I found the seller's contact address.:doh::doh::doh::doh::D
So has anyone found the nicked Landy this is supposed to look like or are we just gonna gird our massive assumptions and go give him a hiding? :confused::rolleyes:
So has anyone found the nicked Landy this is supposed to look like or are we just gonna gird our massive assumptions and go give him a hiding? :confused::rolleyes:

exactly. stupid assumptions.

I'm all for finding the low life that nick landys, but sometimes ya need more than a 'feeling' or a hazy memory
I'm not saying he is guilty I just remember seeing a pic in with two red defenders and this from my memory looks like the one said to stollen

Oh well, there positive proof - two red Defenders in the same picture, so obviously one of them is stolen.

The sad part is that richard_paradox is probably correct.

They should introduce the death penalty for stealing LandRovers.

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