Exciting times!

You'll probably convince yourself on the drive back that you've bought a dog. You probably genuinely won't have though, it's just that even at best they all drive like a dog (at least compared to anything else manufactured after 1983) :)
They don't really compare to anything else for driving experience which is all part of the charm and fun.
You will soon realise that you've bought yourself a financial black hole, and you will enjoy it all the way - good luck! :)
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Exciting times!

You'll probably convince yourself on the drive back that you've bought a dog. You probably genuinely won't have though, it's just that even at best they all drive like a dog (at least compared to anything else manufactured after 1983) :)
They don't really compare to anything else for driving experience which is all part of the charm and fun.
That's exactly what I thought when I first got into mine for the drive home. After my research, I was fully expecting it to be noisy, slow, uncomfortable, heavy steering etc. But it was much, much worse than I had imagined. After I had driven it from the seller to my sons house 20 miles away, my wife said my face was ashen. It was the scariest drive of my life. A few hundred pounds later, it's great. Still noisy, slow, uncomfortable, heavy steering etc but at least it goes more or less in a straight line now and stops. Have fun and have faith. Oh, and have breakdown cover.

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You will soon realise that you've bought yourself a financial black hole, and you will enjoy it all the way - good luck! :)

It’s definately a black hole but the fall doesn’t hurt cuz ya never hit the bottom!
Series landys are great fun! Enjoy it! And we need pictures!!:D
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:DIt’ll feel very different at first. Heavy steering, clunky gear changing, engine noise. Driving an S3 just be precise and not rush, especially gear changing. After a few miles you’ll have a great big smile. After a few days all you’ll want to do is drive it. Enjoy.
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Don't fight the wandering, most times it will come back into line on its own. Just be ready when it doesn't! Allow loads more time for braking and always grip the steerig (no thumbs!) when you brake as drums can give you some suprises, especially when its been damp.. It works both ways, I find letting it wander gets me more road space (a preimum here in the SE) and discourages people from cutting in front and stealing my braking distance. I now always drive with lights on (I have LED fogs for this purpose) it annoys me to have to but it now seems that without day running lights you become invisible. Approach roundabouts slowly and don't brake into the turns, with no anti-roll bar the body roll can come as a shock until you get used to it. Despite the hard ride and body roll the Series is my son's favourite as its the only vehicle that doesn't make him car sick.
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Enjoy, get some leak stopper, chemical metal and superglue and sit back and enjoy. Stay excited - great buy!
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Wrap up warm. & enjoy driving it.
Never rush any where as it's impossible. And remember the traffic jam behind your mirror is a mirage ;).
Oh that's if you can see out the mirrors with the vibrations
Have fun
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20180305_164001.jpg 20180305_163953.jpg Here it is people. Hope you like it.
20180305_164018.jpg 20180305_164011.jpg
Looks very nice. I was terrified when I picked my 2a up.

Honestly though, once you get it moving it'll be the most fun you can have behind a wheel. You'll have the biggest **** eating grin the whole time.
Get it roadworthy first. The brakes are terrible in fact the back ones aren't connected. So first job new brake pipes. Fit the headlights which are new and wire them up. Wire the ignition up as you have to hotwire it at the moment. Fit some bits that are missing. After that use it and slowly repair/renew as I go. The chassis is solid so it's mostly cosmetic. Do t know whether just to tidy it up or fit new panels.
Some of those dents you could probably pop/straighten out. It depends how much you care to be honest. Unless you want it show quality then I personally prefer landys with a few battle scars. Obviously nothing major, just a few dings gives charecter. At least that's the excuse I use.
Agree completely, a few battle scars are fine on an old Landy. There's a bit of work to do on yours, all I can say is enjoy putting it right but don't bodge anything. Whatever it is that needs attention, do it properly: Overhaul the brakes from front to back so that you can be sure that you have left nothing to be done later. Go over every inch of the chassis with a wire brush and a tapping tool. If you find any rust that need welding, cut the rusty steel away and let-in new steel and weld it all round, no tack-welds. Whatever you do, don't weld new metal over rusty metal, the rust would quickly spread.

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