
New Member
Good morning to you all,

As requested, following my initial postings to this esteemed forum, my darkroom has been reused and I have placed a few of the resultant "piccies" in the Series Gallery. I attempted to place them in here, but once again my genetic problem (congenital computing disorder) struck and I finished up posting lots of incomprehensible photobucket babble. Never mind.

Comments, suggestions and of course the obligatory wierdness, welcome as ever.

Good morning to you all,

As requested, following my initial postings to this esteemed forum, my darkroom has been reused and I have placed a few of the resultant "piccies" in the Series Gallery. I attempted to place them in here, but once again my genetic problem (congenital computing disorder) struck and I finished up posting lots of incomprehensible photobucket babble. Never mind.

Comments, suggestions and of course the obligatory wierdness, welcome as ever.

Mornin' onestep;)
If ye want tae put piccies in yer post usin' photobucket, go tae yer gallery, select yer piccy and click on the image code then paste it on yer post. Ye will probably see a whole load of 'babble', but if ye click the 'preview post' below ye should see yer piccies in there;) :D
A bit like this...


...then click submit reply;) :D
looks lovely out there buster!
It sure is Raz;) :D that piccy was taken comin' back down from The Garroch Hill nr Thornhill. Ye get a fantastic view from the tops when it's not misty.
Anyways, ah'm off tae me scratcher so's ah'll catch ye's the morn;) :D
Good morning to you all,

As requested, following my initial postings to this esteemed forum, my darkroom has been reused and I have placed a few of the resultant "piccies" in the Series Gallery. I attempted to place them in here, but once again my genetic problem (congenital computing disorder) struck and I finished up posting lots of incomprehensible photobucket babble. Never mind.

Comments, suggestions and of course the obligatory wierdness, welcome as ever.


looks a nice landy, the tyres look huge!!! what engine has it got? looks like a landy one but the fan looks too new fangled to be a series one!! :D

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