
Does anyone know what happens to all the old pics/photos from old posts, I have found a post here going back to 2013 that has a small icon with an x in it for all the photos that the poster put up and would love to see them as the job being taked about is the same i am planning.

It can be from a third party sources that expires on the net or is deleted by the original supply.

You may be able to read it source from the http make up. Some browsers can break up the website to it code. That you are able to see the links to img file. Like Flickr Photo store hope this helps.check your browser for web source.
We lost a lot of pics when photobucket wanted money to host the pics:(
A few people use Clouds on various platforms. Cloud is a fluffy bunnies version of FTP provided by your internet provider. Just a massive hard drive accessable to main providers. That's why Google laptop computer has a small drive and needs links to Cloud.
I am old school in thinking keeping my files and photos on storage drives.
A few people use Clouds on various platforms. Cloud is a fluffy bunnies version of FTP provided by your internet provider. Just a massive hard drive accessable to main providers. That's why Google laptop computer has a small drive and needs links to Cloud.
I am old school in thinking keeping my files and photos on storage drives.

I am the same, it means I have control of my stuff, I even keep all full memory cards from my camera a d put a new one in so I still have a back up.

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