Stuart hall

Active Member
Hi all been silent for a while, mainly as was locked out of own account !
Unsure why, just told me password was incorrect, I still was receiving emails but couldn't log in or change password, anyway sorted now.
Back to phoebe wow I've got a new car ! You all may remember my tales of being virtually un drivable, well I was disgusted when she sailed through the annual test, so had her serviced, the guy who picked her up nearly killed himself when she just decided to not go round a bend !
I then bit the bullet and had engine mounts changed (the engine had dropped 2 inches ) new front shocks and new discs n pads.
Now she steers when you turn the wheel and stops when you push the brakes !
That's great news Stuart.

Amazing how a bone shaking, slow old death trap can be turned round into a great car again :)

That old mount is absolutely cream crackered. I recon the diesels must hammer them a lot more than the petrols.
That's great news Stuart.

Amazing how a bone shaking, slow old death trap can be turned round into a great car again :)

That old mount is absolutely cream crackered. I recon the diesels must hammer them a lot more than the petrols.

Hi G, yes the top part had broken off and dropped inside, you can see where it was rubbing metal on metal.
So much for a free car though, I was relieved of 460€ for the parts and Labour so guess not too bad.
Hi Alibro , think it's the original part as got rover stamped on it, twenty years old and pushing 100k so guess its done well.
It must be the heat kills the mounts cause I've never seen one so bad

I've seen a couple like that. On one occasion the owner mistakenly placed a trolley jack under the sump to lift the front off the ground. On the other occasion, the owner had put his trolley jack under the sub-frame, but it had slipped off allowing the car to drop, coming to rest on the sump. So if the sump is used as a vehicle lifting point, the hydro mount just splits apart. It's designed to support the weight of the engine, not lift the body which will pull it apart.
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Diesels should give a stronger wobble when starting due to the higher torque. Same for wobble when changing gear. That would put more strain on the damper.
Diesels should give a stronger wobble when starting due to the higher torque. Same for wobble when changing gear. That would put more strain on the damper.

The L series mount is a stronger than the k series and is also designed to absorb the different vibration signature of the diesel engine. A mount that is split like that has been broken by someone who's a bit clueless where to put a jack.
My mechanic said the top threaded part had dropped inside thereby the engine dropped by that amount., you can see where it was rubbing metal on metal.
No idea of previous service history but as the oil filter took an hour to remove and the fuel filter was completely blocked it looks like it hasn't had any !
mechanic said the top threaded part had dropped inside thereby the engine dropped by that amount., you can see where it was rubbing metal on metal.

It sounds like the engine wasn't sitting on the mount at all, but had dropped onto the body to the side of the mount rubber section. If that's so, then the problem has been caused by a Muppet with a trolley jack in the wrong place.
You know how mechanically minded I am Nodge lol , the threaded piece had dropped inside of the big rubber mount, am annoyed as passed mot a week before.
Will take pics of dangerously worn discs and pads, also the shocks have zero resistance when you push n pull.
I've seen a couple like that. On one occasion the owner mistakenly placed a trolley jack under the sump to lift the front off the ground. On the other occasion, the owner had put his trolley jack under the sub-frame, but it had slipped off allowing the car to drop, coming to rest on the sump. So if the sump is used as a vehicle lifting point, the hydro mount just splits is two.
Wow - yeh - I suppose something that's designed to take the weight of the engine coming down on it won't work so well when the weight of the chassis is pulling up on it. Explains why you see engines separate from cars in accidents.
The L series mount is a stronger than the k series and is also designed to absorb the different vibration signature of the diesel engine. A mount that is split like that has been broken by someone who's a bit clueless where to put a jack.
Pretty sure the K and L Series both shared the same mount. The mount changed for the K Series and TD4/KV6 at MY01.
My mechanic said the top threaded part had dropped inside thereby the engine dropped by that amount., you can see where it was rubbing metal on metal.
No idea of previous service history but as the oil filter took an hour to remove and the fuel filter was completely blocked it looks like it hasn't had any !
That's a good reminder that I must change my fuel filter!
You know how mechanically minded I am Nodge lol , the threaded piece had dropped inside of the big rubber mount, am annoyed as passed mot a week before.
Will take pics of dangerously worn discs and pads, also the shocks have zero resistance when you push n pull.

Ah I understand now. I suspect that my original thought of the engine being used to lift the vehicle is correct. This action has split the mount, causing the fluid inside to dry out disintegrate. The top part of the mount would then start to press into the lower section over a period of time. This has led to the engine having no insulation from the body, which would have been rather noisy from inside. At least it's sorted and you'll have a quite car from now on.
Pretty sure the K and L Series both shared the same mount.

I'd be very surprised if the factory mount was the same between the K series and L series. The K series weighs only half that of the L series and the vibration signature would also be very different. Mounts are normally tuned to absorb vibrations from the particular engine fitted, so require different mounts for different engines.
Thought I'd add ( if I can ) more pics of the dangerous parts I was running round in.
As said remember this passed our equivalent of the mot a week before !

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