
ok wondered if anyone can shed any light on this problem ive got a 2002 p38 thor engine and I cant see any petrol leak but every few days smell petrol smell from engine and after reading think but not sure it mite be evap system but im mite barking up wrong tree ,if it is correct fuel system pressurised with no return pipe to tank and then if pressure raises to high goes into a charcoal thingy but then it goes into inlet manifold where the start of inlet manifold just after maf sensor
and im asking if anyone has had a smell of petrol in this area as at present no smel and no idea but last nite smelt strong
just seems my weekends are all on me rangie at mo replacing everything I see but I want it running like new soon for me French trip

thanks for looking
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Last time I had a smell of petrol it was while driving with the window open. Naturally I thought it was fuel lines / rail but it turned out to be from the tank behind me. Surprising how the smell reached me
I have searched tank and no smell or evidence of leak as yet but today will be removing rear wheels so will just double check as im going to replace some brake pipes today opefully
thanks nick
found petrol leak eventually it is on injector rail or fitting in that area cant see it at mo but starting stripping down tonight just hope its easy and I remember where all bits go ,as by the time I strip im not gong to see leak if all dry and no obvious sign of where its leaking but hopefull I can repressurise with fuel pump and it shows itself

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