Fake Elvis

New Member
42.9mpg with a full load from preston to fort william, ah the joys of a constant 65mph!

just thought i'd share this!
42.9mpg with a full load from preston to fort william, ah the joys of a constant 65mph!

just thought i'd share this!

Not bad considering big hills on the way and the terrain after Glasgow

Try 55 and see a massive improvement:)
42.9mpg with a full load from preston to fort william, ah the joys of a constant 65mph!

just thought i'd share this!

Congratulations - well done mate.

Just goes to show what an auto-box can do on a long journey, presumably on cruise-control (auto-pilot my wife calls it) even fully loaded.

I was a late convert to auto-boxes - always thinking I could do better myself - or that there was performance or mpg penalty - driven properly there isn't. Never mind the benefits off-road.

Enough said - doubters take note.


Singvogel. :cool:
And there as me thinking 17.5 was much betterer than the 16 to 16.5 prior to aligning me wheels. :eek: :eek:

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