H bomb

New Member
Gday everyone
I'm new on here and would like to get some advice about the series2 I have.
Its got a perkins diesel fitted at the moment. I have a 2.25 petrol engine that I'm thinking of fitting back in it.
I plan on using the landy for.....you know, stuff.
I don't want it as a work horse, but not particularly after a show pony either.
If I could get some thoughts on the engines that would be great thanks
Gday everyone
I'm new on here and would like to get some advice about the series2 I have.
Its got a perkins diesel fitted at the moment. I have a 2.25 petrol engine that I'm thinking of fitting back in it.
I plan on using the landy for.....you know, stuff.
I don't want it as a work horse, but not particularly after a show pony either.
If I could get some thoughts on the engines that would be great thanks

Which perkins?
If it is the montego turbo lump then the are in high demand as there are none around.
Petrol engine will double your fuel consumption.
Thanks for the welcome fellas.

I'm not sure what perkins it is at the moment, but its not got a turbo. I'll try to identify the engine later on. Years of muck and not knowing exactly what area to clean have delayed that so far.

I also joined the series 2 club last night. I haven't asked about it on their forum yet, it was daft 0'clock when I joined. The fella I bought the landy from told me that the block who fitted the perkins is a member of the club. I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of it soon enough.
From memory, the two engines typically fitted to landies and range rovers in the 80’s and 90’s were the 4203 and 4236 respectively. It’s been some time since I saw either to confirm so someone with more recent experience can confirm. A friend had a non-turbo 4236 in his RR and it was a plodding lump but lots of torque for towing and off road use. It is a heavier engine too. They were fitted in trucks and lots of other industrial and agricultural machines so there were variations according to what they were used for.
Welcome Aboard :)

Perkins generally make decent engines - the 4203 wasn't their best effort, but still pretty good - IIRC the updated 4212 was/is a far superior unit.. The 4236 is a fine engine which gives little to no trouble with regular oil changes and little else.. Anything more modern that that, then this luddite will not know ;) , but the downside with them is that they are heavy, and agricultural, as above..

2.25 petrol is historically correct, of course, but thirsty with it..
Thanks for your thoughts fellas. I'm still not sure what model perkins it is, I will let you know when I find out.
The landy will be getting striped down to it chassis, before to long, for some much needed attention.
Given that I have a complete 2.25 and gearbox I'm leaning towards that. Mainly for a more original vehicle. From what I've heard the perkins is great if you are towing heavy trailers and off roading but its slow on the road. In my experience series land rover are slow regardless of whats under the bonnet. I won't be using it as a daily driver so fuel consumption is not to much of a concern for now.
Thanks for the welcome fellas.

I'm not sure what perkins it is at the moment, but its not got a turbo. I'll try to identify the engine later on. Years of muck and not knowing exactly what area to clean have delayed that so far.

I also joined the series 2 club last night. I haven't asked about it on their forum yet, it was daft 0'clock when I joined. The fella I bought the landy from told me that the block who fitted the perkins is a member of the club. I'm sure I'll get to the bottom of it soon enough.

Lots of very knowledgable people on the s2 forum, make sure you show them pics, like us they love pics.
Thanks for the link knappster.
I've got a feeling that I won't be able to keep money in my pocket long enough for it to reach body temperature anymore.
I can't work out how to show pictures on here. If I go to the "Upload a file" thingy it tells me I've not got permission to use it, or something like that.
Is there always so many adds on here? I'm struggling to make sense of it.
I'm fairly new to computers. I'm sure it's easy once you know where to look and click.
I'll try to get some pics posted later on.
I'm not ignoring the requests for pictures, I just can't work it out.
Copy, paste works for most of us. Yes the forum caretakers are not doing very well at the moment;).


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