
Active Member
Hi guys,

As the title suggests I'm planning a little green laning trip at the end of the month. After some advice and direction on lanes in the area, just two of us going so two vehicles all well equipped etc.

Equally if anyone would like to come along or show us round please add your name. We are yet to decide if this will be camping (rough) or B&B etc.

I shall be buying the OS maps during the week and will begin to mark up. If anyone can aid or help us with a route it would be much appreciated and in return I can offer routes in;



Many thanks,

I'd check that there's no temporary closures due to the wash out from the bad weather they've had, someone said some tracks in Wales were going to be closed until it dries out a bit
Would love to join you.
Live on the edge of the Peak District, and know a few lanes.
Not an expert by any means, but I do know a route (was shown by @Paul D & others :) ) that I will happily share .
Hi guys,

Marmaduke, I will consult the local council, ideally that's where the local knowledge will come in handy.

Zigster, be glad if you could show us your local routes, what's the length/duration of the route you have planned? Ideally we need to concoct a 2 and half day route, whatever you can add will be a bonus.

Many thanks,

The route is approximately 50 miles and generally done in around 4hrs, but we tend to do it at night and don't stop much.
You have a PM BTW @Glenn321
A grand day out on the lanes

Nice ^^^^

What area of the Peaks is that?

Looking to get out Green Laning myself soon now my baby is up and running :D
Nice ^^^^

What area of the Peaks is that?

Looking to get out Green Laning myself soon now my baby is up and running :D

It's a bit all over the place, from Matlock up to near Ladybower. We actually did about 30 lanes to give the guys a taste of the Peaks and even had a few flakes of snow.
Keep an eye on the Derbyshire Laning thread for future trips as we try to get out whenever possible.
Sounds like a good day out then!
Will definately keep an eye out as im a complete newbie who's never been green laning before so want to go with a bunch of experienced people. And if it's in the peaks, even better.

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