
Well-Known Member
Has anyone on here payed to go on a green laning trip? Just interested as my missus suggested I could do it as a hobby...
No, don’t have much time for them. I suppose they have their place. Just check they know what they are doing first. A lot of cowboy operators around
Friend has payed for 3 trips in various places(north wales & Wiltshire) these are over 3 days. (Unsure why he won’t come laning with me with his shiny motor)
he enjoys the new company he makes and varied motors(not all landrovers)

as for accepting any payment would/could you be accepting any liability.;)
I think there's a place for paid trips. I think you have consider a few things. I think you'd need extensive knowledge of the areas you plan on covering, ie, if you have someone wanting to pay for a trip, but they don't want any scratchy lanes as they have a nice new shiny vehicle, I know I'd be rather annoyed if I paid to be taken out on a route, and there were scratchy lanes. So you'd need to be able to properly plan the routes.
Make sure you have the gear and knowledge to deal with anyone in your group getting stuck, afterall, you're probably more likely to get more inexperienced laners as customers. Personally, I'd only consider paying for a trip if it were with someone far more experienced and knowledgeable than me.
You may find that with all the planning etc you will need to do, plus the fact you'll be responsible for that group, may turns your hobby in to a chore giving you more stress than a hobby should.
Friend has payed for 3 trips in various places(north wales & Wiltshire) these are over 3 days. (Unsure why he won’t come laning with me with his shiny motor)
he enjoys the new company he makes and varied motors(not all landrovers)

as for accepting any payment would/could you be accepting any liability.;)
Probably because he likes the paint on his Landy lol. I enjoyed our trip out, a good mix of shrubs and open spaces :)
Yes I paid to do a few day trips in the Lake district and North Yorkshire. Was very convenient to use someone else's advanced knowledge with the reassurance of back up if I got stuck. The only draw back I found was you are stuck with their timetable so can't go at your own pace or take time out to admire your surroundings at your own leisure. Got very bored of doing them after a while which I may not have done if gone at my own pace and included overnight camping etc.

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