
New Member
Hi Guys

I've been a member for just over a month now and have been carefully researching all previous threads.

Is it possible to do a UK to Cape Town trip in a 110 and take 4 passengers in total, incl the driver and passenger seat being occupied. (4 people)

I know there's a lot of weight involved and very limited space. Has it been done and is it practical or a bad idea?
klippies you will be leaving the coke behind, and no ice cubes.
im preparing a 110 for 2 pr=eople for an estimated 3 month journey,think of fuel,food water traveling just even for a week around the uk and see what it feels like,then if you think its possible multiply that by the estimated journey and also remember that the food in africa is not exactley 7 11 style the whole way down...
just my thought.

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