
Hi, apologies if this has been covered but I am new to the site. Have looked through previous posts and can't find the answers I need....
I have just purchased a FFR 94Defender. 12v and NAD engine. At the moment I can't afford to swopthe engine for a 200 or 300tdi so will persevere for now. Engine is in goodcondition but very "pedestrian".

Q1 Does anyone tow a caravan with a 2.5 NAD engine? If so how is it?

Q2 Thinking of putting PAS on. From reading it seems I will need a PAS pump possibly off a TD5? A four bolt steering box associated pipes and a bracket to fit the pump on to. Also a reservoir for the fluid.

The crank pulley is a 2 groove pully so just a belt.....
Any advice on this would be greatly received. Any glaring mistakes I can make?
I seem to remember from when I looked into this a few years ago, that the pas pump from a 200tdi is what you need. However, I think you also need the mounting brackets which, iirc, can be hard to come by. I cant remember exactly and cured it in mine by fitting a 300tdi and PAS from a rotten disco (bought the whole disco for £300 and broke even selling what I didn't want - axles, gearboxes and a few other odds and sods. Weighed the rest in).
As for towing a caravan with a N/A, I've never done it. I did drag a traction engine living van (approx. 6t!!) for about 5 miles. That was low 2nd all the way!! I wouldn't fancy towing a caravan far with an N/A. It was hard going with a fully laden Sankey!
You may have been better off buying something slightly more suitable for towing a van, although I'm sure it'll be fine. Ultimately the towing would also depend on what else you need to lug around, family, dog, kitchen sink and of course some beer.

Wouldn't want to sit behind you in the Devon lanes regardless ;)
Thanks for your replies... Think I'll save up for an engine swop... Shame really as the NAD has only done 35k verified miles...
Cheers, Mike
Don’t give up so easily.
I ran a car with only an alternator driven on the belt.
The PAS pump was an electric driven one, from a Peugeot if I remember. That was with rack steering though.
So you could fit your steering box and a pump.

Research needed though to make sure they will work together.

You'll be fine, just eat yo spinach and forget the PAS, towing a caravan might be slow going.
Thanks for the replies... Think I will go for PAS and wait a while to see how I get on. Do think an engine swop may be on the cards at some point

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