Read today theres a £70.00 fine on the way for parking on the pavement with two of your wheels ,even in narrow rds so be warned !!!!!!!!! another money grabbing goverment idea .
Parking on the pavement NOT bloody fine - i hear they charge you £70 for it - and quite right too - or it should be allowed to scratch yer pushchair/wheelchair/belly(si)/shopping bags etc down the side of the shiny beamer that did it!
Parking on the pavement NOT bloody fine - i hear they charge you £70 for it - and quite right too - or it should be allowed to scratch yer pushchair/wheelchair/belly(si)/shopping bags etc down the side of the shiny beamer that did it!

If we didn't park on the pavement the ambulances wouldn't get down our street....pretty bad as theres an ambulance station at the top of the cul de sac:D:D
Parking on the pavement NOT bloody fine - i hear they charge you £70 for it - and quite right too - or it should be allowed to scratch yer pushchair/wheelchair/belly(si)/shopping bags etc down the side of the shiny beamer that did it!

Obviously not got a parking problem down in your country then
It costs you £60 for the ticket and £150 to get yer vehicle back if you do it around here
pavements are for walking on not parking on surely it aint too hard to work out

park on it and get fined then dont come crying on ere when ya do
Its always been an offence....... I like a tidy road, cars paked neatly, colour co-odinated if possible, all facing the right way at night and no more than 2 inches from the kerb. I am all for it!!:D
Its always been an offence....... I like a tidy road, cars paked neatly, colour co-odinated if possible, all facing the right way at night and no more than 2 inches from the kerb. I am all for it!!:D

I am just writing ****e really tryting to get my 1000th post :)
If we didn't park on the pavement the ambulances wouldn't get down our street....pretty bad as theres an ambulance station at the top of the cul de sac:D:D

Then there should be no parking on the street or they should move the ambulance station or not have a pavement!

Obviously not got a parking problem down in your country then
No! There's loads and it's all free!!!

This int a new law, it's always been there - it's the number of cars which has changed! Supply and demand. Pavements are for people and roads for cars - you dunt park on someone's private drive without expectin repercussions do ya?
Parking on the pavement NOT bloody fine - i hear they charge you £70 for it - and quite right too - or it should be allowed to scratch yer pushchair/wheelchair/belly(si)/shopping bags etc down the side of the shiny beamer that did it!

Completely agree. Some people by me park so far on the pavement when I take the baby for a walk in the pram I have to go on the road.
so if i park on the kerb ill lose £70 and if i dont park on the kerb i lose me wing mirrors prolly me bumper and gain a load of offside damage ( specially when the bin truck comes flying round) costi ng roughly £600 to repair

ill risk the fookin fine thank you verry much now stop whingeing
i was parked with two wheels on the pavement tother week .... copper stopped and told me i couldnt park on a single yellow line to load up ... after a few words... during which me mrs finised the loading i agreed to move.... daft bugger hadnt noticed i had two wheels on the pavement .... if id parked on the road the 3 school busses wouldnt have got by whilst i was loading..... and id left room on the pavement for the oaps on leccy carts
so if i park on the kerb ill lose £70 and if i dont park on the kerb i lose me wing mirrors prolly me bumper and gain a load of offside damage ( specially when the bin truck comes flying round) costi ng roughly £600 to repair

ill risk the fookin fine thank you verry much now stop whingeing

Fook off and park on the road! Cars are hard and pedestrians are soft and pedestrians need somewhere safe and car free!
thing that i hate more is people parkin or driveing in the cycle lane.i kick ther cars and dosh em with my handle bars.pavement parking is bad tho.charge em 200 quid and a grand to get the car back.that will stop it.
Cyclists pay no road tax and the lycra clad pointed helmet brigade are prize ****ers

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