Big Stu 12

Well-Known Member
I have an Issue with the Parking Break lights flashing on and off, and the LCD info displays in the speedo binnacle, at the same time the Nav screen flashes and the audio in on and off, for a short period of time, after pulling away , this happens anytime of day, never in the same weather or temperature,

It has been into the dealer a number of times and they can not find the fault, is there anyone that can give me an idea what this may be, I have had software up dates, and a few sensors replaced...

Its driving me mad...

Can any one help Please, and point me it the right direction.
Check battery is upto the job as a poor one causes all sorts of odd faults. Same with the brake switch and also the brake light bulbs as they can cause problems if non genuine LR ones ain’t fitted
plus 1 what @johnlad has said ref the battery

If the volts are low it can throw all sorts of issues up , check what volts you’ve got with the engine off then on

if that’s ok, check for any loose connections behind ur instrument panel
Thanks guys, I’ll get the battery checked. Would suspect it’s at fault as this only occurs in the first few minutes of driving and also worse when conditions are cold.

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