
New Member
i have joined all of a sudden whilst on the web looking for any news to tell my uncle. a couple of weeks or so ago he was at work and had an aneurysm and a stroke. he's in intensive care and has a clot on the cortex. he still thinks as normal but can only move his eyes, up for yes, down for no. he is head steward of the pingewood 4x4 track and lives for his 4x4. he just ot married 3 months ago and has a month old baby. anythin that my family can tell him to keep him communicating about interestin 4x4 stuff would be cool. we are just babbling at him and running out of stuff to say. if anyone has amusing stories or info about their 4x4 please e-mail me at i do apologise for the sob story!
seeya later, happy mudding

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