
any painters on ere, need a price / rough idea to spray a 90 truck cab pickup, got bout 4 layers on at mo,:D black, white, grey, finished off with coniston green, want to keep it coniston green ,just looks rough , been told bout £3000 :eek: :eek: asked for a quote not his phone number ! any one had one done and could recomend a sprayer? cheers
Do it yerself. Ah did mine and it's not really that difficult if ye use synthetic paint with hardeners and thinners. Ah borrowed a compressor and bought a spray gun from halfrauds, practiced on a bit of wood and me garage doors to get the feel for it first.;) :D
am in stafford, ah spose could spray it me self,got strip down to the alloy first tho, prob wont stick to the other layers v/well ? any one done a full bear metal paint job?
If you roughen up the current paint, take off the gloss, and use a decent enough primer it should stick ok, as long as it is grease and dust free after your roughening.

Vehicle Painting Pointers

have a look through that - he painted his own landy also.
been roughin it up and touchin up with celulose spray cans, had some good results and some rather bad, some of the layers flake and the celulose loosens them i think, kinda lifts them or bubbles like its reacting. perhaps needs whole truck rubbin down and primin first , just not the weather at the mo
£3k feckin ell is it 18 carrot gold flake.
£800 would get you a good job according to a friend of a lot of the prep yourself and save loads of dosh
i know a certain person who spent £2000 on a full strip down and respray for a porsche, they have done a REALLY nice job though, looks absoloutely mint.
ask yer local car paint shop for summit to stop the new paint reactin' (can't remember what it's called) then flat back the old paint, use that stuff, primer it, flat it back and stick yer new paint on;) Ah'd go for synthetic paint meself as it's more forgivin';) :D
you gotta remember a landrover aint a porscheand dont need a finish like a buster says try it yourself.imagine spending 2k on a lovely shiney paint job and then scratching it offroad.or aunt dolley knocking her trolley into in the tesco carpark..landys are what they are save your dosh try it yourself and spend the money saved on some nice goodies
me neither..mainly cos i aint got 2k tho..but if i was to spray it then like yourself i would like it to like ok.but i would only scratch it offroad and be well ****ed off..i know some people who have roller painted theres havent seen the finish so dont know what its like
ive seen the finish of a quick roller job - it looks like you would expect it to, really. And its coming off in places. But...

Having taken mine off road too, with the cost of the respray i have planned (paint and priomer only!) i rekon i can deal with some t-cut and touch ups!
Here's a couple of pics of mine in progress....










Ah took off what ah could, that way ah got a better finish and no over spray. The most important thing to remember is the preparation, that way ye should have a reasonably good paint job;) :D

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