
Well-Known Member
I'm about to start painting a Series 2a but could do with some advice from others who've done it...

What have you bought and where from, I'm believe I'm looking at 2 pack for the paint in Land Rover light green that I think was used on early Series vehicles and heritage Defenders, any advice as where to source it from and what type of primer is good to use. I've got a gravity fed spray gun and a decent compressor that I'll be using for spraying with.

I looking forward to advice and input, thank you kindly :D
2 pack can be obtained from places look Lkq coatings in kings Lynn Norfolk BUT the hardener contains isocyanate and cannot safely be sprayed using a filter mask!! It must be air Fed respirator, don't believe any claims that their filter masks are OK, they are NOT!! You can try Acrylic based paint safely but its not so durable, so advise a coating of hard lacquer!! Sadly Cellulose is virtually now unobtainable. Keep safe out there. Chris
Any 2k primer from your local paint supplier will do. There is no filter mask in the world that is safe to use so you should use air Fed (your choice of course). I'm using aerosol etch on bare/corroded areas, then a good coat of 2k primer, then cellulose gloss topcoat. I'm not laquering it. The reason I'm not is because when the celly get a scratched its easy to blow in. If you damage 2k you have to 're laquer the whole panel. Don't be tempted by your locals choice of RAL industrial cellulose - it will be crap, transparent, need more coats, and may even need a matching primer. Search jawel paints in the west mids. Speak to Jamie, he knows his stuff and sorted mine out last week. And it isn't that much more expensive. I paid about £130 for 5 litres of lrc296 masai red and 5 litres of good thinner and delivery next day. My regular shop, as good as they are, could not even translate lrc296 to a mix, took them an hour to find it. Their price was £59 for 3 litres of RAL3001 signal red and it needed more coats than the jawel stuff. If you need any more info let me know, I'm happy to pass anything on if it's of any use. Oh, you can get a decent finish with machine Mart gravity Fed guns but buy the best gun you can possibly afford.

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