
Well-Known Member
I was trying to diplomatic and give the company a chance to sort my issues out, I'll start from the beginning - in July when I put an order in for just over £140 which included a clutch kit... clutch kit turned up, I didn't have time to fit it so paid a mate who's a fully qualified mechanic, he fitted it and guess what - Faulty... great I thought! So rang paddocks and had to pay for a new one whilst returning the old one. Now... the new one was fine, but of course, I had to pay said mate to fit it again and I'm current sat here still without a refund and constantly being fobbed off. Just spoke to them again today and have just been informed that the only sent the part back to they're supplier last friday - I'm finding two things hard to believe here...

1) HOW THE F*** can a company take that long to send a part back to they're supplier

2) HOW THE F*** can they keep my money this long legally?

I've been promised a call back and I've requested it be by the end of the day to which I got yet another evasive answer putting blame on they're supplier so tomorrow they will be getting a call with threats to trading standards - if that doesn't do anything then I will be following said threats!

I know others have had issues with Paddocks on here before and was wondering how much success people had when fighting to get money back from them??
Paddocks sold it to you.... the part was not fit for it's stated purpose... so THEY are obliged to give you a refund. It is up to them to then get their money back from their supplier.

I would stop talking to the hired help and insist on a manager or higher. Advise them of the problem, inform them that the missing funds have sent you overdrawn and advise them that you are taking legal advice on adding the overdraft fees too your claim for reimbursement.

Once you have pointed that lot out... drop a comment in that your brother writes for LRO and you are thinking os suggesting he does an article on Paddocks dwindling reputation in the land rover parts market.

Should get some attention
Just make clear... I would like this escalating, and your name and the escalation contacts name.. They are ****e sometimes and I have to hound for them to say "the refund is just going in to your account today sir"
I've never had trouble with Paddocks .. and I've bought lots from them.
hmmm I've done pretty well at keeping my temper to may as well carry on the clever game with them! I certainly won't be using them again and I've spent a few hundred with them in the past... neither will a couple of my mates that are into they're landy's or my ol man who's spend a few quid with them too! I'll await the phone call then if I don't get one tomorrow they're getting the whole trading standards/legal assistance/LRO mag thing

I like the LRO mag idea :p

I will be chasing them up legally as well if they don't listen even if it is only bout 60 quid...
Everyone makes mistakes - treat it as such.

I have just sent (well about 3 weeks ago) stuff back to Paddocks - credited my account last Thursday. Yes I did chase them on Saturday, because I had not had confirmation, but it had all been done. Just remember the girl on the end of the phone is not the one causing you grief, but she, sure as hell, can make you life difficult if yu **** her off.

Explain your concerns and yes, ask for someone more senior who can act quickly, but it aint her fault.

Oh - and yes - your contract is between them and you, not you and their supplier, but having had flyboys buy stuff, use it and then try and return stuff, sometimes you as the intermediatory dont want to have to take the hit..
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never ordered from paddocks but have only heard bad things. plus have dingocroft up the road who have a good reputation
I see and understand what your saying MHM but at the same time, a mistake should have been rectified within the first 3 or 4 phone calls surely... for them to have only sent it back to they're supplier last friday - that's very poor!

What also makes me believe they're telling porky pies is that she said they were very behind with they're returns due to staffing issues... now how have you had a refund within 2 - 3 weeks when I've been waiting 2 - 3 months??

I know its not her fault as a person but as a company its rather shocking and if I was MD of the company I'd be sacking people for being that slack!
I was trying to diplomatic and give the company a chance to sort my issues out, I'll start from the beginning - in July when I put an order in for just over £140 which included a clutch kit... clutch kit turned up, I didn't have time to fit it so paid a mate who's a fully qualified mechanic, he fitted it and guess what - Faulty... great I thought! So rang paddocks and had to pay for a new one whilst returning the old one. Now... the new one was fine, but of course, I had to pay said mate to fit it again and I'm current sat here still without a refund and constantly being fobbed off. Just spoke to them again today and have just been informed that the only sent the part back to they're supplier last friday - I'm finding two things hard to believe here...

1) HOW THE F*** can a company take that long to send a part back to they're supplier

2) HOW THE F*** can they keep my money this long legally?

I've been promised a call back and I've requested it be by the end of the day to which I got yet another evasive answer putting blame on they're supplier so tomorrow they will be getting a call with threats to trading standards - if that doesn't do anything then I will be following said threats!

I know others have had issues with Paddocks on here before and was wondering how much success people had when fighting to get money back from them??

would you like a group spam sent to paddocks
Agreed - a pretty poor show. My point was only to not take it out on the poor sod at the other end of the phone.
If you wish to complain, I suggest you ask to speak to Alan or Glenys Wright. Be polite, say it is a personal matter and dont take no for an answer. When you get through, explain your concerns, stating that you do not wish to take the matter further, but you are getting to the point where you feel as if you have no other option. Give them a chance to resolve the matter (say a week) and then if no action, write a letter to the above stating that as you have not heard any more, you intend to follow legal procedings.

PS - links give you more info ;)
Everyone makes mistakes - treat it as such.

I have just sent (well about 3 weeks ago) stuff back to Paddocks - credited my account last Thursday. Yes I did chase them on Saturday, because I had not had confirmation, but it had all been done. Just remember the girl on the end of the phone is not the one causing you grief, but she, sure as hell, can make you life difficult if yu **** her off.

Explain your concerns and yes, ask for someone more senior who can act quickly, but it aint her fault.

Oh - and yes - your contract is between them and you, not you and their supplier, but having had flyboys buy stuff, use it and then try and return stuff, sometimes you as the intermediatory dont want to have to take the hit..

Iv'e had a lot of stuff from them and never had a problem. Shti happens now and then try and sort it out.. MHM is on the button
Does Paddocks not have an account on the UK's most popular land rover forum? If not, i would question their commitment to the marque. If they do then WHAT THE **** ARE YOU PLAYING AT NUMBSKULLS!!!
MHM - Thanks for that!

I think I'm gonna stick to my plan of ringing them in the morning if I've not heard anything and play the whole its easier for us both if I don't have to contact trading standards etc but I will if you don't do something ruddy quickly...

oddie... i agree but I'm trying to be a bit more diplomatic as I'd quite like me dosh back - preferably before 2013 :rolleyes:
I've bought quite a bit from them without problems. Got and order in at the moment actually, now you've got me worried about it!
I have never had issues with paddocks and I have used them a fair bit. As has been said mistakes do happen but they should rectify this, if not speak to a manager, get times and names and record your progress

As for buying a new one, that's normal. No company has to give you a refund or replacement until an inspection has been carried out on the goods. What if it was fitted wrong? They give you a new one and can't get thier money back? What they have done is pretty standard in he industry.

As for taking ao long to send it back, that's a poor show and it should have been done before but as said chase it, put pressure on but don't be an arse as thier attitude will change for the worse and no one will be having a good time over it all, keep the high ground, be mature and professional and give them no excuses...
Used them a fair amount, never had any major problems.

I have a return sat with LRDirect at present, still no refund, not chased yet, they're all the same tbh.

I find working your way up the management chain tends to get things done quicker.

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