My genuine mirror finally fogged and became unusable.
I replaced it with a stick on one for the mot.
I haven't driven this thing for 18 months, in that time, I've been driving a tiny car with reversing sensors. I never saw the point of these, but now, I want to fit a set to the p38.
Travelling thtough a city, I have regular issues with highly vonruble, unlit, reflectors removed, non‐motorists cutting me up or riding 2 inches from my back bumper. It's only a matter of time until I will have to prove I did everything possible to avoid the accident. So, maybe it is also time for front and rear dash cams?
Does anyone have experience of an all in one kit?
For reversing sensors, have you seen kits where side sensors can be configured differently to rear sensors?
Currently, the car has no parking sensors or camera.
All advice great fully received
I replaced it with a stick on one for the mot.
I haven't driven this thing for 18 months, in that time, I've been driving a tiny car with reversing sensors. I never saw the point of these, but now, I want to fit a set to the p38.
Travelling thtough a city, I have regular issues with highly vonruble, unlit, reflectors removed, non‐motorists cutting me up or riding 2 inches from my back bumper. It's only a matter of time until I will have to prove I did everything possible to avoid the accident. So, maybe it is also time for front and rear dash cams?
Does anyone have experience of an all in one kit?
For reversing sensors, have you seen kits where side sensors can be configured differently to rear sensors?
Currently, the car has no parking sensors or camera.
All advice great fully received