
New Member
Hello all,

Stupid question of the week. . .
"Sunroof not set"???

I have tried following the manual with no success and even tried
giving it a little longer at each extreme as suggested on one of the
Range Rover related sites.

Gave up in the end and visited a Land Rover main dealer,
please see below:

"Checked for sunroof not setting:- traced to suspect
wiring fault between BCU and sunroof motor/anti trap
mechanism - suggested fix-over lay wire between
both components"

Not exactly helpful, unless of course you have a wiring diagram. . .
Something I have yet to acquire!!

I am intending to put a multimeter to it and see if I can track down
the fault myself.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated???
Wiring diagram?
Method of headlining removal/replacement?
etc. . .

Kind regards,

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times - "Inexpensive means
* * It's: "SPLAT - THE DOG!"
+>\ --__ Slower than a speeding DISCO. Much slower.
+>/ _------__ Mortally slower, one might say. Rest in Pieces.
* *

"Rest in Pieces" just like my old Rangey.

Er, think that was Rust, not Rest. . .
hi just give it a few trys all the way back all the way forward and all the way down,sometimes they just need a bit of nurchering if the motor feels to much resistance thats when the antitrap cuts in its down to current motor draw and dont hold button on sunroof to long as the becm can turn it all of just in case motor burns out try that first
yes so what did i say that was wrong does your sunroof only go backwards and forwards,i thought p38s went up and down as well or maybe i work on to many new range rovers dont know what say you?well of course they go up and down you can also turn off the antitrap feature off so it says on rave incase of snow and ice but who has the sunroof open in winter.dont do ERR ITS RUDE
the sunroof appears to perform correctly - goes up&down and back&forwards

i got a grinding noise whist closing the sunroof prior to the warning appearing on the dash "sunroof not set". I have tried following the setting procedure, but to no avail. I tried taking it to a LR main dealer and they said it was a wire break.

Does anybody have, or know where i could get a copy of the wiring diagram for the P38 Range Rover?
Failing that, the colour of the wires for the input and output for the control of the sunroof?

Kind regards,
the LR rave workshop manual that comes on cd has all the wiring diagrams i believe, send me your address and ill burn you a backup copy :)

or i could upload the .iso of the cd and let you download it (558mb)?
the sunroof appears to perform correctly - goes up&down and back&forwards

i got a grinding noise whist closing the sunroof prior to the warning appearing on the dash "sunroof not set". I have tried following the setting procedure, but to no avail. I tried taking it to a LR main dealer and they said it was a wire break.


If the sunroof performs correctly, how can it be a wire fault? If there was a broken wire, one of the functions would not operate.
does the sunroof stop in each position correctly? or does it over-run?, ie if you close it does it run past its stop position and partially tilt?
Have similar problem, up - down No problem.
Back - fwd it needs a helping hand to go right to ends and will set when gently pushing back and fwd ending up with Sunroof Set happiness:)

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