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My 97 P38 Has An Unmarked Headlining But Is Sagging And Is About To Land On Me.......any Suggestions Without Replacing The Whole Thing Cheers
wished i read this first, i even put doulde sided tape big sheets, and it still hangs,and the glue is starting to show, o well have to buy another onecontact woolies for the headlining material to match and an aerosol tin of high temperature contact glue, (make sure they send the high temp stuff). then you need to remove the whole lining, and clean the board of all bits of foam.
spray the glue onto your clean board then stick the cloth on to it, trim edges and refit.
you may also have to buy some of the trim securing clips as you'll probably break some taking them out.
don't bother trying to glue what you have back into place as its a big no no.
what happens when you try to glue the material back onto the foam is this. the glue seeps through the headlining and attracts all the dust and other air borne crap and you end up with a horrible manky area where you have tried to glue it. plus the reason it failed in th efirst place is because the foam has broken up into fine dust.
you should easily manage it in a day, i did mine in a morning with the help of a write-up on a jag site