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I was getting out of my P38 in Waitrose car park when a woman reversed into the space next to me in her Toyota Prius ( I call them Pias). She got out of her car and asked in an aggressive way if I knew what me driving my Gas guzzler did to the planet.
Quite surprised at her rudeness I asked her what she used to power her car apart from batteries.She of course said petrol.
That was it.......
With both V8 barrels blazing I advised her that my Gas guzzler did in fact run on LPG she may have noticed the stuff that was otherwise being burnt off in flames from oil fields.
That my car was 12 years old (1999 HSE T plate) how often did she change her car with all the consequencies of the damage that producing a new car does to the environment.
I asked her if she had also thought about the damage to the planet in disposing of the huge batteries that propelled her car.
I also asked her if she had appreciated the help of the 4x4 owners during the last severe winter
With that her mouth dropped and I walked off.
I do love these self righteous people
Love it. And hoping a tree bugger says the same about my defender to me.
Some people haven't a clue. Land rovers are prob one of the most environmentally friendly cars as they get repaired and run forever.
You also pay more tax on your car which means you contributing to the economy, do like shopping at waitrose though!
I was getting out of my P38 in Waitrose car park when a woman reversed into the space next to me in her Toyota Prius ( I call them Pias). She got out of her car and asked in an aggressive way if I knew what me driving my Gas guzzler did to the planet.
Quite surprised at her rudeness I asked her what she used to power her car apart from batteries.She of course said petrol.
That was it.......
With both V8 barrels blazing I advised her that my Gas guzzler did in fact run on LPG she may have noticed the stuff that was otherwise being burnt off in flames from oil fields.
That my car was 12 years old (1999 HSE T plate) how often did she change her car with all the consequencies of the damage that producing a new car does to the environment.
I asked her if she had also thought about the damage to the planet in disposing of the huge batteries that propelled her car.
I also asked her if she had appreciated the help of the 4x4 owners during the last severe winter
With that her mouth dropped and I walked off.
I do love these self righteous people

It would have gone over her head, but electricity is not that environmentaly friendly either. Generation efficiency and transmission losses not to mention disposal of waste, especially nuclear, mean that it's probably no more efficient and certainly no more environmentally friendly than your LPG 4 X 4. Great put down, loved it:D
It would have gone over her head, but electricity is not that environmentaly friendly either. Generation efficiency and transmission losses not to mention disposal of waste, especially nuclear, mean that it's probably no more efficient and certainly no more environmentally friendly than your LPG 4 X 4. Great put down, loved it:D

Yeah too true. Why do these people not realise that an existing vehicle properly serviced, can run for many years for the energy/pollution cost of making a Prius. The governments recent scrap a banger and buy a energy efficient car was a waste of time. The CO2 generated buy scrapping the old ones and making the new ones to replace them far out weighs what the old ones would have produced untill the end of their lives. Anyway planet heating is natural and has gone on for millions of years, sod all to do with CO2 anyway.
Anyway planet heating is natural and has gone on for millions of years, sod all to do with CO2 anyway.

The governments just use it as a way to raise more tax revinue. And have made people beleave them. The best proof of it is the ice age. If global temperatures only been affected by co2, why the hell did the ice melt?
The governments just use it as a way to raise more tax revinue. And have made people beleave them. The best proof of it is the ice age. If global temperatures only been affected by co2, why the hell did the ice melt?

Yes in bygone times CO2 levels have been six times what they are now. And we are still here so is the planet. Natural CO2 is a product of the Sun warming the oceans. The only thing is does is grow plants. If they really want to reduce it plant some trees.
Yes in bygone times CO2 levels have been six times what they are now. And we are still here so is the planet. Natural CO2 is a product of the Sun warming the oceans. The only thing is does is grow plants. If they really want to reduce it plant some trees.
That prob a big part of the problem. Forests being cut down all over the world = less co2 being consumed by plants and trees leading to it building up. The biggest issue is no government is going to turn round and say the cars dont male the impace that they have been made out to, as they will loose billions in revinue
Yes in bygone times CO2 levels have been six times what they are now. And we are still here so is the planet. Natural CO2 is a product of the Sun warming the oceans. The only thing is does is grow plants. If they really want to reduce it plant some trees.

Add a 10 to your 6 times Tony, CO2 is known to have been 16 times higher in the distant past. As for ice melting, out of some 5000 glaciers, only the ones that are melting are being monitored, others are actually growing. Those are not monitored as the evidence conflicts with the "experts" views on climate change:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
How strange that the term "Global Warming" only came into being shortly after the decimation of the rain forests, especially in South America.
I am 100% behind the guys on here that suggest replacing the rampaged forests instead of using it as a backdoor means of screwing people for money.
Add a 10 to your 6 times Tony, CO2 is known to have been 16 times higher in the distant past. As for ice melting, out of some 5000 glaciers, only the ones that are melting are being monitored, others are actually growing. Those are not monitored as the evidence conflicts with the "experts" views on climate change:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

Knew there was a six involved somewhere Keith. It really is the biggest con trick of all time. Western governments scared stiff of the east taking over manufacturing and doing it at ridiculously low prices. So they come up with something to make their manufacturing more expensive. So the west can compete. We in Britain produce less than 2% of the CO2 output yet our political masters wanting to appear as world leaders and important figures, commit our small country to a reduction that will cripple industry and the economy, putting the cost of living through the roof. We lead the world is their moto. ****ers. They just put costs up for everyone in Britain whilst the rest of the world takes advantage of us. Are the Chinese, Indians, Japs, Germans, Frogs, Russians and Yanks going to cut back production or add large costs by reducing CO2 to any great extent as we are proposing? Are they bloody hell.
How strange that the term "Global Warming" only came into being shortly after the decimation of the rain forests, especially in South America.
I am 100% behind the guys on here that suggest replacing the rampaged forests instead of using it as a backdoor means of screwing people for money.

Anybody who has seen the warming cooling patterns of our planet knows that cooling warming is a natural occurance and runs in cycles controlled by the Sun and the Earths orbit around it. The Earth gets a wobble on from time to time due to internal forces sending it out of balance. Only a very minute change in the axis of less than half a degree causes the cooling warming. Scientists know this. So why all the CO2 crap. 2000 years ago you could grow grapes in Scotland it had a mediterranean climate. Try that now.
Anybody who has seen the warming cooling patterns of our planet knows that cooling warming is a natural occurance and runs in cycles controlled by the Sun and the Earths orbit around it. The Earth gets a wobble on from time to time due to internal forces sending it out of balance. Only a very minute change in the axis of less than half a degree causes the cooling warming. Scientists know this. So why all the CO2 crap. 2000 years ago you could grow grapes in Scotland it had a mediterranean climate. Try that now.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh don't tell them that they will realise it's a scam
Anybody who has seen the warming cooling patterns of our planet knows that cooling warming is a natural occurance and runs in cycles controlled by the Sun and the Earths orbit around it. The Earth gets a wobble on from time to time due to internal forces sending it out of balance. Only a very minute change in the axis of less than half a degree causes the cooling warming. Scientists know this. So why all the CO2 crap. 2000 years ago you could grow grapes in Scotland it had a mediterranean climate. Try that now.
As a geologist i have seen this time and time again, and several of me dead clever tutors with more letters after there name(and most with letters before) than ya can shake a stick at can argue it till their blue in the face that its a ntaural occurance. But society likes it. Global warming was changed to climate change when the eveidence against it being a man made pheonomenom became too great. Climate change suggests temps can go up as well as down(which it will).
The naughty chemicals in the batterys of a Prius are very harmful and the milage its done before even starting the engine mean alot of big fleet buyers wont touch it cos it aint green enough. My company prefer pugs and golfs (dezuls) cos there greener
As a geologist i have seen this time and time again, and several of me dead clever tutors with more letters after there name(and most with letters before) than ya can shake a stick at can argue it till their blue in the face that its a ntaural occurance. But society likes it. Global warming was changed to climate change when the eveidence against it being a man made pheonomenom became too great. Climate change suggests temps can go up as well as down(which it will).
The naughty chemicals in the batterys of a Prius are very harmful and the milage its done before even starting the engine mean alot of big fleet buyers wont touch it cos it aint green enough. My company prefer pugs and golfs (dezuls) cos there greener

Diesels don't produce CO2 in any great quantity. Plenty of other things that will kill you, but not a lot of CO2. It's a good thing that cats turn harmful gases into harmless plant food. But the government could meet their CO2 reduction targets next week by having all cats removed from vehicles. 65,000,000 people breathing in and out produces lots of CO2. Maybe there will be a restriction imposed at some time, like breath only once a minute or something stupid like that. People riding green push bikes produce far more CO2 than most. Plus lots of methane as the fart struggling up an hill. It really is getting bloody stupid. These politicians are supposed to be intelligent people, you do begin to wonder.

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