
Hi guys, my name is Liam and I’ve been poking around Landy’s for a good few years, 200, 300 & TD5s for the most part but now I’ve just taken on my first P38 and I’m already in bother! It’s a 1997 manual 2.5 DT.
I’ll try to be as concise as possible without omitting crucial information as best I can…….
Basically, it died in the middle of the road whilst driving, after reading as many posts on here as possible I began the diagnosis.
The in tank pump is working and fills the now new fuel filter as it should.
The clear pipe feeding the pump has self bled after fitting the new filter and is full to the pump.
The glow plug light illuminates and I have power to the stop solenoid which clicks when powered……..but I have no fuel when I cracked the injectors.
Fuse 37 is ok.
The problem I’m having is that it will crank endlessly and not start…….but what is really bugging me is why it died in the first place; am I overlooking something obvious?? I was thinking crank sensor but that doesn’t explain why I have no diesel at the injectors, or does it?? Help would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks guys - Liam
stinks of ‘loss of sync’ to me. Never heard of this while running but unlikely to have one solitary issue.
Do you have the correct EKA code I would try inputting that
There's the stop solenoid (crash reset switch behind driver's kick panel) but the fuel can also be stopped by the quantity servo in the top of the FIP. Usually that's loss of sync but I guess other things might cause it.

I am trying to remember if it runs with a duff crank sensor. Probably not but check in RAVE. That might be your issue.
I do have the the EKA and I know it to be correct because the fob isn’t working and so it passive arms every time you walk away from it, but it has started and ran every time once the code was entered.
As I said in my original post, my understanding from everything I had come across here was that the loss of sync would be only show up when starting but not kill an already running engine; I think I’ll have to borrow a diagnostic tool to plug in and check the crank sensor too. Thanks for the responses lads, much appreciated!
I did think about the reset switch then obviously got distracted by something shiny and promptly forgot again! I’ll hunt it out and hope for the best! Thanks
No messages on the dash?
Fuel at the injectors requires to stop solenoid activated and the mobilisation code, as the car was running at the time of failure, I would say that eliminated the mobilisation code.
I would look at the crank sensor because if the EDC does not see the crank rotating, it aint going to squirt fuel in.
The latest instalment…….I’ve checked the inertia switch in the kick panel and it was ok, I then pulled the crank sensor and put the multimeter on it, it’s showing about 1100 ohms so I can discount that as the offending article. I think I’ll go back over everything I’ve already checked so as to be doubly sure of my findings while I’m waiting for my mate to plug it in for me to see if the BCM is or isn’t synching up.
my understanding from everything I had come across here was that the loss of sync would be only show up when starting
This is exactly what you said
The problem I’m having is that it will crank endlessly and not start

Cps or QS can imminently fail but usually start to play up when hot, then work again when cooled down as they begin to fail.
You’ll have to investigate so start with easy possibilities kill switch/EKA/CPS/loose or grotted connectors
If you can borrow a Nanocom06 you will be in luck
No new messages that I can see…..but the pixels are buggered so it’s hard to see!

QS?? My brain isn’t working this evening!!
No no, I was referring to Datatek’s question…….but it would be lovely if they did just give you a message telling us what to fix!!
I never had the pleasure of speaking to the man, but his knowledge helped me on countless occasions through the advice given to others with similar issues.
Might have snapped a timing chain on the pump,,,or it has has sheared a woodrif key and the pulleys not turning on the fip:eek::eek:...

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