I have a cracked headlight and have purchased a replacement sealed beam. Can you remove the plastic backing surround from the glass beam, if so, how so? (the plastic surround on the replacement is damaged):mad:
John B
If you have been supplied with faulty goods take the bugger back .However There is a web site called rovers net I think it showed on there how to get the backing of a headlight can't do a link as I'm on me phone
The headlight is held to the frame by 3 ball joints and it can be prised off with care. I would however take it back for a replacement.
I took one of the headlights around to a friends place, I cleaned the lens and the backing surround first for better grip and put some DW40 on the two long adjustment screws/ball joints. I unscrewed the two (longer) adjustment screws allowing better access to the smaller ball joint. The smaller ball joint (which is almost impossible to see when the unit is together) can then be seperated with care. Once the black surround has been seperated from the lens, pulling out the two long adjustment screw ball joints was easy. I then cleaned the entire unit. Putting the ball joints back in is also quite easy. Just remember to realign the headlights before driving on road at night. Once you have tackled this once, it's alot easier. Allow at least 15-20 mins and have a good light source handy.
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Good one and great to hear the outcome, too many threads miss the last vital bit/solution/outcome-whatever happened.

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