
Well-Known Member
I am a lazy chap, takes me a few cuppas and a pack of biscuits before I start a job, I also look at the easiest way to do it.
I needed to replace a broken privacy lock thingy on my driver's door handle.... the retaining pin is easily drilled out with a Cobalt 2mm bit, no need for dremels etc.. Anyway, I bought the handle cam repair kit (STC3064) from LR as I would probably end up breaking mine, I didn't but thought I would replace anyway. Loads of vids on Youtube and write ups on here, which all seem to involve pain, strain and a lot of swearing!?
Here is a mahoosive tip!
There is enough give in the handle for you to build up the spring and new cam, put it in place with the new pin and then with a small amount of pressure and a flat head screw driver, pass the handle cam into the new part lobe. Took me less than two minutes to replace from start to finish. Had to double check as it was just too easy and peeps seem to struggle? A bit of lateral thinking works wonders.

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