
New Member
Sometimes my '98 diesel hiccups for a fraction of a second - engine "cuts" for a bit, check engine light blinks (didn't go to read codes yet), and car goes normal after that, until it happends again. It happends at much greate frequency when it's raining.
Sometimes I find both footwells wet.

Where to start from?
footwells will be water getting by the pollen filters, has it got the bit of foam across the grille in the scuttle panel ? check the drains arent blocked at each end that go in the wings and the gaskets that go over the filter holes are junk check them too ,
from what ive found previously with the eml light flickering and momentary loss of power was fip timing out but its generally not water related is it generally when you let off the throttle and go to accelerate again ?
It's very rare, but yes: when it's not raining, it happends sometimes when letting off and the applying throttle again (usually gear change).
But during rain, it can happend any time, even at steady throttle. Yesterday, car was almost undriveable.

"fip" = fuel injection pump ?
Welcome,water in the car will cause all sorts of problems.check pollen filters and scuttle drains as suggested also sunroof drains if fitted and air con drains if fitted.when you check the pollen filters there are a couple of screws in the base of the housing that should be given a good amount of silicon sealer,the top seal has been successfully replaced with draught excluder by some members.
Welcome,water in the car will cause all sorts of problems.check pollen filters and scuttle drains as suggested also sunroof drains if fitted and air con drains if fitted.when you check the pollen filters there are a couple of screws in the base of the housing that should be given a good amount of silicon sealer,the top seal has been successfully replaced with draught excluder by some members.
As above ^^^^. First step is to dry out the car interior and stop the water getting in as it can cause all sorts of electronic problems.
Sometimes my '98 diesel hiccups for a fraction of a second - engine "cuts" for a bit, check engine light blinks (didn't go to read codes yet), and car goes normal after that, until it happends again. It happends at much greate frequency when it's raining.
Sometimes I find both footwells wet.

Where to start from?

The throttle is fly-by-wire using a pot on the pedal. If that gets damp you get weird behaviour.

Check if heater matrix o-rings are leaking. Windscreen trim has been known to leak too.

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