
H all,

The cruise control on my 2000 4.6ltr petrol P38 has recently stopped working.

I have no idea about the inner workings of cruise control and so am at a bit of a loss - hopefully someone will be kind enough (and more knowledgable!) to help....

The symptoms and recent history is as follows;

CC Was working fine prior to visit to local garage for a new seal on transfer box :(

Light functions on dash to show that CC is engaged, but steering wheel controls no longer work.

I understand that the a common fault with CC relates to damaged vacuum pipes? Do any of these locate in/around the transfer box/transmission? Could the recent works on the seal be a possible cause?

And finally - any advise on fault finding (where best to start etc) and repairs?

As always - Thanks for your help everyone! :)
Hi. You have a pipe that runs fron passenger side of engine bay to the other behind the engine. This goes to a switch in the pedal box as I believe. There is also pipes on the bellows. Check those as well.

Can't see as having a TC seal changed is going to effect this.

Next step is diagnostic tests.
There are some tests in RAVE that can be carried out to help diagnosis....

But as SAS says, common faults are the vacuum pipes or bellows!
Thanks SAS & Saint - I shall have a ferret around at the weekend and see if that sheds any more light on the problem!

Update to follow soon.

Cheers again for the help!:)

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