Paul vice

Multi loader in boot loaded with six discs but head unit is saying no disc. Tried ejecting magazine cleaning and reloading , same result , anyone come across this before and know what fix
Not seen before. My guess is its not registering as the magazine unit is not getting power, there is a dodgy wire/connector, could just be the lens or condensation?

Try drying it out, use a different cd not stored in the vehicle and known to work, if you have time trace the wiring look for scags and joins. Maybe the unit has its own fuse - can you hear it spooling up or doing anything?
If it’s a Philips unit then the magazine can be ejected easily with a credit card moved over the top, but maybe underneath the magazine as it was a long time ago I had to do it, the card trips a micro switch and magazine pops out. That’s the Philips unit which it was a known issue.
When mine failed in my MY2000 P38 a sharp "rap" on the cassette with a soft handled screwdriver while pressing the eject button got it to eject the cassette. been OK ever since.

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