
New Member
about time too,this is where it becomes obvious why i bought this vehicle,although only 8 centimetres so far, without being careless it drove as though it was in normal conditions,hope to put on some pics soon.
this is what it is all about.
How far is 8cm? Is that 2 feet? Giggle hysterically ( that was last winter on a bus route and after the plough had got stuck-didn't stop my 3.9 classic on lpg tho-only vehicle in and out of the hamlet for a fortnight) Oh yes and that was in the road, not the kerb!!
well the pizza delivery boys are still at it!! 3 down at my juction so far!!
How far is 8cm? Is that 2 feet? Giggle hysterically ( that was last winter on a bus route and after the plough had got stuck-didn't stop my 3.9 classic on lpg tho-only vehicle in and out of the hamlet for a fortnight) Oh yes and that was in the road, not the kerb!!
trust me 8cm around banbury causes absolute chaos, we have 2 inches now! the night is still young, hope to have more overnight.
Looks like we have had our lot over here. Barely an inch and a half. Snow has stopped now so a bit hacked off really. Don't think the forecast has any more expected during the night. Best to get up early before it all melts....
Im in oswestry shropshire and weve got stuff all. Just looks like a sprinkle of flour. Not happy as its my first winter with my p38 and the snow buggers off somewhere else.
Will just have to go and get muddy
Got 9inches. not tried get range out of my road. misses wont let me. dont realy blame her 90 degree corner onto a hill that only foot wider than me car
Have just enough to turn everything white last night.
Then it rained.
This morning the sun came out, melted the lot and even dried the roads.
I've got the circular saw set up in the garden and am making a new work bench.
Tried my best to get stuck last night with some intentionally silly manoeuvres, on steep hill etc, the General Grabber ATs are awesome!
5 went down in total that i saw outside me house!!!!you would think they would give up...but no,they stilll the army needs them...we would never be beaten with them as squadies!!(talking pizza delivery on scooters)
today we ended up with about 7" !!!

L322 ****ed through it ! hehe

Yeah I was off driving into the countryside last night finding snowing hilly lanes to get stuck in - not even close - the old girl breezed everything this ham-footed operator could chuck at it. I was very impressed with the General Grabber ATs despite them not being "proper" winter tyres, the car felt unstoppable - superb.

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