During my recent and ongoing corkscrewing gymnastics around the innermost bowels of my ratbag, I came across disconnected what looked like alarm bits. Directly beneath the fusebox.Judging from the colour since before my time 10 years ago. At one point in my history I had the horn blasting away only at the most of embarrasing times. I replaced the roller ring and it went away. I thought that was the sum total of the alarm system. Once, on a tow truck- yes, hard to believe I know, a P38 on a tow truck- the hazard lights were flashing away and the truck driver said you'll have to turn the ignition off as the alarm's going off. I'm now long enough in the tooth, thanks to the masked men, to know there's no such thing as prod it, poke it, suck it and see especially when it comes to anything attached to the BECM. How can I go about safely diagnosing what's awry here and restore it to original? Regards. P.