
New Member
Hey everybody,

am planning a fairly long trip to Africa next year, and will buy a LR in Jan/Feb.. I can use as many pieces of advice as I can gather...

To start off with: I've been looking at Series IIIs and Defenders, what do you think is better in terms of reliability, maintenance, spares, etc...?


search the forum your not the first to want to do this and other peeps have asked the same questions as you.
The best pieces of off road kit i used in N Africa were 2 lengths of PSP from Jacksons in Doncaster and a shovel.
Sahara overland, buy the book, excellent.
off-road book by Jack Jackson 4th edition
and map 741 michelin.

WH Smiths/stanfords maps

And read...........:)
forget series111 go with defender diesel 110 or 130 thats a start :D
It has to be a '93 ~ '96 ish 110 Diesel Defender.
Simple 1 inch, body lift, and new BFG m/t tyres.

Snorkel to breath the not so dusty air.
Oil bath air filter or washable foam.

Of all the LR machines, this is probably most suitable, and can be made even more suitable.

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