
Well-Known Member
if someone were to say to you 'how about a holiday greenlaning in Corfu'? would it raise an eyebrow?
ms nobber and my self have just come back and we were so excited by the trip we have decided we may want to do it for a living.
we are at present in the process of aquireing the use of a four bed roomed (on suite) , fully air conditioned house 5 mins away from issos beach.
the trip starts in Dover , you will be guided down through Europe via France , belgium ,Luxembourg ,Switzerland , italy where you will get a 24 hr ferry through , yes through Venice and on to Corfu.
the trip is mostly motorway although in Switzerland we will take a train through a mountain (you stay in your vehicle and drive on/drive off) and then over the top of the simplon pass hopefully spending the night on the alps.
once in Corfu there are plenty of green lanes to keep you occupied , plenty of beaches to splash in and plenty of cold beers to cool you down. lots and lots of wild camping up in the mountains with miles and miles of mountain trails to explore.
we are at the very beginning stages of this project and the reason for this post is mainly to collect feedback and ideas/expectations of such a trip.
this holiday will be a bit more civilized than sleeping in a tent in Morocco and should be children friendly.
we have got a lot of research to do and would appreciate any ideas you might think will help.oh , and hopefully we will be making our first trip a freebee , perhaps a raffle?
hey nobber good luck with the venture, start looking at websites and designing your own (if you need any pics doing let me know), see if you can get on corfu's tourist site
It sounds spot more and more people are wanting that type of holiday now i think. I wish you the best of luck and am interested myself on booking up when you get sorted (thats if you go for it! and depending on much it'll cost :))
My farther always used to say " The grass is not always greener on the other side but it's certainly a different fecking colour"!

Great idea, Do your homework,get loads and loads of cash together cos your gunna need it!

Good luck


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