
New Member
Hi All

I have been offered a overdrive at a good price but have a couple of questions before i buy .

Do thay make much difference ?
Does it only give you a overdrive in 4 gear or is it ALL gears ?
Are they easy to fit and mantain ?
Are there any bad points ?

many thanks chris
they're nice.. great for highway.. good for cruising at 30 mph.. REally make the truck work a lot less at highway speeds. But the truck doesn't need to be going on the highway from a safety standpoint.

It replaces he gear on the back of the transmission that drives the transfer case which drives the drive shaft... so yea.. its all the gears. But it doesnt effect your speedometer. It requires a special tool to install initially. But thereafter you can pop it on and off fairly easily. Which you'll need to do fairly frequently if you're doing any work to the drivetrain.

I feel.. and have no evidence to prove so.. that it greatly weakens the drivetrain. It replaces the solid gear with a hollow tube and a strange bumpy thing.. and that seems a lot less sturdy than a gear. I believe i've read its a weak point as well. Its been written to bring along your gear and tools to replace the overdrive when it breaks while off road. A failure at the overdrive causes the vehicle to be freewheeling. It is noisy and mine anyway is a pain to check.. the dip stick doesn't come out without a socket.. no finger tight loosening. They lose oil to the transfer case.. overfilling the transfer case eventually. THey add a new and exciting leak as well.

But.. I'd not sell mine.. If due to nothing else other than hype.. it raises the value of the vehicle enough for me to keep it maintained.

SO moral of the story is.. depends on what you do with your rover.. at least from what I understand.
If you don't offroad and don't mind the extra maintenance.. its a good thing to have around. You can just not engage it if you don't care to. If you mostly off road.. It is of no use.. and may cause a failure. I've seriously thought about purchasing a gear and just keeping the overdrive for any next owner the truck may have, as I just use the truck for put putting around the neighborhood and exploring slowly. Its too loud for me on the highway so I take the slow road. But some insist on using them as daily drivers.
They're great. What make have you been offered? Fairey?Piece of **** to fit.

Just don't leave it engaged & rev the nuts off yer motor up through 1st & 2nd, they don't like it.

In your doosul you're only likely to use it as a fith gear & you soon get used to coming out of O/D as you come to junctions/roundabouts etc.

Do an online search for fitting guides (I can't at the mo', I'm at work). You'll probably need the gasket for the rear of your existing box, but they're easy enough to get hold of frum Paddocks et al.
'Cept yer shun't rilly use it in furst! :rolleyes:

More like being in the fith gear you int got when you're in fourth.

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