
Was fitting an overdrive to my early 110 V8 (LT95 box) to make the motorway
journey to Billing a little easier when, whilst fitting the snap ring onto
the end of the mainshaft, the mainshaft moved in towards the gearbox
noticably. Now first gear does not engage and the shaft will not return to
its normal position.

Anyone had this occour before? Any idea's as to its rectification or do I
need to put in another box?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Also, the thrust washers were missing, so am having to improvise. Are they
available anywhere as I would rather the proper thing than the nearest I can

Troubled, Darren.

This is caused by the rearmost thrust washer on the output
mainshaft dropping out of position. I don't believe it can be rectified
without removing the gearbox and reassembling it. The box won't
have been damaged though (hopefully) so you won't need a new one.

View it as an unexpected opportunity to rebuild the LT95 with
new seals and replace bearings as necessary.

The fitting instructions specifically warn against this possibility.

Hi All,

By gently spining the mainshaft, the bearing re-seated itself and the shaft
returned to its original position. Now just need a new thrust washer.
Anyone know anywhere I can get one? All the local gearbox places dont seem
too interested in helping.



"Darren" <drc@dazco.net> wrote in message
> Was fitting an overdrive to my early 110 V8 (LT95 box) to make the

> journey to Billing a little easier when, whilst fitting the snap ring onto
> the end of the mainshaft, the mainshaft moved in towards the gearbox
> noticably. Now first gear does not engage and the shaft will not return

> its normal position.
> Anyone had this occour before? Any idea's as to its rectification or do I
> need to put in another box?
> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> Also, the thrust washers were missing, so am having to improvise. Are

> available anywhere as I would rather the proper thing than the nearest I

> find.
> Troubled, Darren.

>Subject: Re: Overdrive Fitting Disaster
>From: "Darren" drc@dazco.net
>Date: 02/07/2004 21:28 GMT

>Hi All,
>By gently spining the mainshaft, the bearing re-seated itself and the shaft
>returned to its original position. Now just need a new thrust washer.
>Anyone know anywhere I can get one? All the local gearbox places dont seem
>too interested in helping.

Speak to Dave at Ashcroft Transmissions



Steve. Suffolk.
remove 'knujon' to e-mail


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