
hi my shogun is over reving when the car is sitting in idol and the engine
slows down when i put it in gear does anyone know why cheers...

hi guys can anyone help me my 3.5 v6 24 valve shogun is reeving away at
3000 in neutral and running fast when driving can anyone help cheers

shogun36 wrote:
>hi guys can anyone help me my 3.5 v6 24 valve shogun is reeving away at
>3000 in neutral and running fast when driving can anyone help cheers

The only thing I can recomend is try removing the vaccum hose off the
throttle body, My friend had a camry that did the same thing and the only
temporary fix we could find until he could afford to get it fixed was to to
that. As far as doing any damage he drove his for 7 months liek that before
he finnaly sold itso I wouldnt guess it does any harm.

Message posted via http://www.carkb.com


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