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hi all my 200tdi disco on the motorway water temp slowly creeps up and over heats there is no leaks and the rad is in good nick.

im going to take off the OE fan and fit a 14" slim line fan but what can cause the over heating problem?
If it overheats on the motorway then you can put as many fans as you like on and it will still overheat.
Does it get hot or is it a faulty gauge/sender? cause mine was a gauge and it was telling lies.:)
hi all my 200tdi disco on the motorway water temp slowly creeps up and over heats there is no leaks and the rad is in good nick.

im going to take off the OE fan and fit a 14" slim line fan but what can cause the over heating problem?

How do you know the radiator is in good nick?

The symptoms you describe are those of weak water pump or knackered/blocked radiator.

have you offroaded it? Are the fins blocked?
as already stated - first thing to do is check the catual water temp - to confirm whether it actually is getting hotter.
It only over heats on the motor way. I have washed the fins out so that's clear . When I'm driving around town it's ok no problems it's just at speed but it does not boil over just over heats. How easyin the water pump to change???
It only over heats on the motor way. I have washed the fins out so that's clear . When I'm driving around town it's ok no problems it's just at speed but it does not boil over just over heats. How easy is the water pump to change???

A piece of cake - and dead cheap too.

About 1 hr. tops. Don't forget to top up the coolant afterwards.
How can I test the one that's on to see if it's ok or not

If you are talking about the water pump, it can malfunction in a number of ways so the testing will relate to what you are trying to check for, if you see what I mean.

For example, is there any sign of water leaking from the small hole on the under side of the pump - yes or no? If yes, replace the pump.

When you take the belt off, is the pulley stiff to turn? If it is, replace the pump.

When you take the plastic plug out of the thermostat housing and get an assistant to start the engine, do you get coolant coming out of the hole? If yes, the pump is pumping so it does not need replacing.

Check the temperature and pressure in the top radiator hose once the engine has warmed up - is it hot or cold?

Hope that helps
I assume you have checked the fan belt tension, sounds daft but it is worth a try. If you have a plug in the top of radiator try taking that out and after drawing off water down to the tubes see if they are clear, the radiator blocking is the most common cause of heating up on the motorway IMHO.

Incidently the viscous fan sometimes engages when climbing longish hills, so that might be worth checking. Do not assume the viscous is working as it does not get hot around town, these engines tend to run very cool at idle and low engine speeds anyway.

Also check the bottom hose is not collapsing in at high engine revs (rev while observing) sometimes the suction of the water pump sucks in the hose and restricts the coolant flow.

As mentioned earlier assuming you viscous fan is ok then fitting an electric one will not solve the problem.


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i fitted a electric fan anyway but it was over heating before that with the OE fan fitted i will follow what you have just told me and see what the out come is even if i fit a new pump there only £25 and im sure it wont hurt putting a new one on
i fitted a electric fan anyway but it was over heating before that with the OE fan fitted i will follow what you have just told me and see what the out come is even if i fit a new pump there only £25 and im sure it wont hurt putting a new one on

Careful where you buy it, there is some right ****parts out there at the moment!!


well i throught that i had sorted my over heating problem. Guess not as on the motor way again it strted to over heat again.

so far ive changed the pump thermostat and the rad looks fine so what the F**K could it be
rad 'looks' fine but have you looked INSIDE it?? if i were you i'd whip the rad out and clean+ flush the inside of it, back flush it and go from there. only takes an hour and i reckon you'll find your problem in there
The rad can look 'fine' all day long but it is impossible to confirm this visually. The rad 'fins' can be fine i.e. what you can see looking from the front through the rad however, it is the tubes inside that crud up which you cannot see without the rad being dismantled.

If you consider this, driving around town the engine is not working and so the flow of water through the rad is minimal, please keep in mind that these engines will tickover all day long without the standard fan such is the heat loss through the rad.

Once you start working the car the heat needs to dissipate quicker hence the need to flow more water/air. Invariably higher speeds down the motorway increase the engines workload but any restriction will prevent coolant being exposed to the airflow.

This is worse if climbing a hill as the car tends to be slower but the workload may have tripled.

Your post claiming all is well may have been due to the fresh coolant that you put in disturbing sediment in the rad or moving an air lock which if it has returned would indicate perhaps that the system is being pressurised by a weakness in the head gasket indicating failure in short order.

I would have started with the cheaper things in this order:

Start with is the gauge accurate and is the engine actually overheating? Looking for leaks, fan belt, rad fins (airflow obstructed?), air locks (all hoses hot including heater hoses?), thermostat, rad cap (not maintaining pressure allowing coolant to boil off), water pump, collapsing hoses (under load bottom hose can be sucked flat), reverse flushing rad (rarely a 100% fix), viscous coupling (remember this sometimes is needed when engine working hard even if there is some airflow from the forward motion of the car not just at idle), recore/replace radiator (impossible to check without dismantling but worth doing anyway), head gasket (chemical test coolant), and unlikely but possible incorrect timing.

Someone else will hopefully throw in anything I have not thought of.

Hope that helps



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