
Evening Folks!

Looking for some info on any available green lanes in Outer Hebrides, as I am planning a trip for 5 rigs in August. I know they do exist and are legal and apparently the views are breathtaking!

Any help will be greatly appreciated!
I don't know about Lewis and Harris but have lived on Benbecula, which is connected by causeway to north and south Uist. You can drive on every tarmac road in a day, there are a few rough tracks but most go to someone's croft, or to peat cuttings or to a beach/ sea loch. All will be short you're on an small island , even Lewis and Harris they will be short. A convoy of outsiders may well upset the locals.

Oh the views are pretty good wherever you are on the islands even on tarmac.
Brilliant info TheQ, thank you!

I just didn't know what to expect. Upsetting the locals or driving into their crofts is not an option. Plus I wasn't expecting these lanes to be lenghty.
Do you happen to know what it may be like with wild camping over there? Money isn't the issue, we just want to separate ourselves from the other people as much as it will be possible...
I must admit I never saw anyone wild camp while I was there, but on the other hand I wasn't looking for anyone doing so, I was nice and warm in my bed( or on night shift). Or in my sailing boat in one of the West coast loch.
The most likely places to do so would be in the machair, sand dunes which run down the west coast of most of the islands. Wild camping is permitted almost anywhere in Scotland on non enclosed land.

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