
New Member

I work for the University of Gloucestershire (www.glos.ac.uk/ccru) nd we are undertaking some research on behalf of the Countryside Council for Wales (http://www.ccw.gov.uk) which attempts to seek a greater understanding of why people use the countryside for recreation and the types of experiences they are seeking.

As part of the research we were hoping to get the views of people as to extent to which the “experience” determines the types of activities they undertake.

Our idea was to instigate a discussion by putting forward a series of questions which should generate some views - please feel free to respond to, or discuss, the following:

1. For you personally, what specific elements of a green laning trip make it an enjoyable experience?

2. In your opinion, are there any factors that restrict green laners/4x4s from having a good experience?

3. In your opinion, what factors do you think are influencing the development and growth of green laning/4x4ing generally in Britain.

4. If you undertake other outdoor activities, what are they, and how does the overall "experience" compare with green laning/4x4ing?


P.S Please be assured that the Forum name would not be named in our research and ALL responses would be quoted anonymously.

Kind regards,

Dr. Michael Clark
dr_mike said:
4. If you undertake other outdoor activities, what are they, and how does the overall "experience" compare with green laning/4x4ing?


P.S Please be assured that the Forum name would not be named in our research and ALL responses would be quoted anonymously.

Kind regards,

Dr. Michael Clark

does dogging count?
is this a wind up from some rambling community? tring to get us to admit to not liking them? and so they can harp on about us supposidly "destroying the countryside"?

well here goes...

1. getting stuck/lost (in the night is best) mud, holes, ruts, rivers, fords, fallen ramblers etc.

2. ramblers, horse riders, twitchers, soft-roaders

3. there arnt any... moaning ramblers and the bloody government are taking it all away piece by piece... just grab some while you still can :(

4. mountain biking, mountain boarding, spearfishing... you cant really relate any of these to greenlaning. if your trying to get at "alt. methods to enjoy laning" you wont. laning is for motor vehicles, end of.

slob said:
does dogging count?

Of course, would you believe we were asked to do some research on it once!

This isn't a wind up from the Rambling community BTW and not anything covert..just were are trying to explore the "experience" of outdoor recreation.
1. For you personally, what specific elements of a green laning trip make it an enjoyable experience?
Getting away from the smell of all that Gouda.

2. In your opinion, are there any factors that restrict green laners/4x4s from having a good experience?
Sometimes my clogs get caught on the pedals.

3. In your opinion, what factors do you think are influencing the development and growth of green laning/4x4ing generally in Britain.
Genetically modified plants attacking Land Rovers and eating them.

4. If you undertake other outdoor activities, what are they, and how does the overall "experience" compare with green laning/4x4ing?
Walking (i.e. walking home after getting stuck)

Niets te danken!

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