
New Member
Hiya all,

As I can't find any photos of anyone else's leaks, I'll post mine, as I don't quite understand why I only thought that that was for keeping the plastic bits on :D I may just be having a dumb blonde moment, but I don't get it...

Ok. I initially removed it because I was looking for a fuel leak :-D as soon as I stop, in traffic or to park, there's quite an impressive smell. I'm used to it with the Miata as she's running rich, but I don't think it's normal with the gaylander.
if you are looking for a fuel leek on the td4 then look into where the injectors fit in ,I had one come loose and had the smell of diesel so I really looked and that is what I found although a lot of it had gone hard and it was a devil to get out.

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