Tony Boom


Any Englishmen interested in this site?
Might be worth leaving some feedback :)

> <http://www.20six.co.uk/pub/Xfm_Breakfast_Show/urs.jpg>
> You can send me an <mailto:referee@ursmeier.ch> EMAIL

> Or why not visit my <http://www.ursmeier.ch/referee> WEBSITE and
> leave me some feedback!

> Referee data
> Date of birth: 22.01.1959
> Place of birth: Zurich (SUI)
> Nationality: Swiss
> Hometown: Würenlos (SUI)
> Profession: Grocer
> Languages: English, French, German and Spanish
> Height: 180cm
> Weight: 72kg


2003 Defender 110 CSW.
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:17:17 +0100, Tony Boom
<tony.remove@theboomclan.com> wrote:

>> Or why not visit my <http://www.ursmeier.ch/referee> WEBSITE and
>> leave me some feedback!

"You don't have permission to access /cgi-local/EMailer/emailer.pl on
this server."

Shame his legs are not as broken as his feedback form.

"Mother" <"@ {mother} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
> On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:17:17 +0100, Tony Boom
> <tony.remove@theboomclan.com> wrote:
> >> Or why not visit my <http://www.ursmeier.ch/referee> WEBSITE and
> >> leave me some feedback!

> "You don't have permission to access /cgi-local/EMailer/emailer.pl on
> this server."
> Shame his legs are not as broken as his feedback form.

It's only a game <duck>

It amazes me there's no appeal process. One person's decision in the heat
of the moment being final surprises me.

Has he given an account of why the goal wasn't allowed? It looked OK to me,
but then I don't know as much about football as he does.



"David French" <david.not.spam.french@virgin.net> wrote in message
> "Mother" <"@ {mother} @"@101fc.net> wrote in message
> news:4adod0133ln710akb0n6n0bvn358e7hrrr@4ax.com...
> > On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:17:17 +0100, Tony Boom
> > <tony.remove@theboomclan.com> wrote:
> >
> > >> Or why not visit my <http://www.ursmeier.ch/referee> WEBSITE and
> > >> leave me some feedback!

> >
> > "You don't have permission to access /cgi-local/EMailer/emailer.pl on
> > this server."
> >
> > Shame his legs are not as broken as his feedback form.

> It's only a game <duck>
> It amazes me there's no appeal process. One person's decision in the heat
> of the moment being final surprises me.
> Has he given an account of why the goal wasn't allowed? It looked OK to

> but then I don't know as much about football as he does.

The goal wasn't allowed because it was scored by England, the country who
knocked the refs country out of the tournament a game earlier.

On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:06:14 GMT, "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote:

>The goal wasn't allowed because it was scored by England, the country who
>knocked the refs country out of the tournament a game earlier.

I've decided I am in favour of abortion in cases of incest. All of
his ancestors must number in the millions, it's hard to believe that
so many people are to blame for producing such a ****er.

I wonder what life would be like if he'd had enough oxygen at birth?

Doesn't he realize that there are enough people to hate in the world
already without him working so hard to give us another?

He'd steal the straw from his mother's kennel.


The Editors decision is final. In the end that innefectual limp lettuce of
an overpaid excuse for a Captain of a football team lost it.


On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:20:15 +0000 (UTC), "Neil Brownlee"
<n.brownlee@pccontrolNOSPAMsystems.com> wrote:

>The Editors decision is final. In the end that innefectual limp lettuce of
>an overpaid excuse for a Captain of a football team lost it.



"Neil Brownlee" <n.brownlee@pccontrolNOSPAMsystems.com> wrote in message
> <sigh>
> The Editors decision is final. In the end that innefectual limp lettuce of
> an overpaid excuse for a Captain of a football team lost it.
> --
> Neil

By being unfortnate enough to be the first person to have to kick from that
sandpit of a penalty spot and thus warning all the subsequent players.
Blaming Beckham for missing that penalty is like blaming an F1 driver for
losing the race having started with one wheel in a pothole.

On or around Fri, 25 Jun 2004 15:53:07 +0100, "David French"
<david.not.spam.french@virgin.net> enlightened us thusly:

>It amazes me there's no appeal process. One person's decision in the heat
>of the moment being final surprises me.

's always been thus. They could have an off-court ref and video stuff like
the cricket does with the third umpire...

>Has he given an account of why the goal wasn't allowed? It looked OK to me,
>but then I don't know as much about football as he does.

I believe the official take is that one of the England players was
obstructing the Portuguese goalkeeper.

this is widely discredited/disbelieved. but that's the official line.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"For when the One Great Scorer comes to write against your name,
He marks - not that you won or lost - but how you played the game"
Grantland Rice (1880-1954). my opinions are just that

"Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote in message

<snip> >
> The goal wasn't allowed because it was scored by England, the country who
> knocked the refs country out of the tournament a game earlier.

Ooooh! Sour grapes there perchance?
At least we Scots didn't go, we'd have got knocked out even sooner,

I guess there's 2 good things about being a colonial person that isn't
really into football.

1. I don't care.
2. I don't care.

How cool is that?! Of course...I did watch the game (on the net) and was
genuinly interested in the outcome. However, it was a game. If we'd won this
one, we'd probably just go and trash some pubs owned by people of another
european nationality when we lost in the next round.

That part of football makes me sick.

Enjoy the game. Not the violence :(


On or around Fri, 25 Jun 2004 17:04:51 GMT, "Exit" <exit@nomore.com>
enlightened us thusly:

>"Neil Brownlee" <n.brownlee@pccontrolNOSPAMsystems.com> wrote in message
>> <sigh>
>> The Editors decision is final. In the end that innefectual limp lettuce of
>> an overpaid excuse for a Captain of a football team lost it.
>> --
>> Neil

>By being unfortnate enough to be the first person to have to kick from that
>sandpit of a penalty spot and thus warning all the subsequent players.
>Blaming Beckham for missing that penalty is like blaming an F1 driver for
>losing the race having started with one wheel in a pothole.

thought a player of his experience might be expected to note the state of
the ground beside the penalty spot, even so, being as he gets to place the
ball there.

Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.fsnet.co.uk my opinions are just that
"My centre is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent.
I shall attack. - Marshal Foch (1851 - 1929)

"The Neffalump" <dmd@www.mudgnu-club.com> wrote in message
> I guess there's 2 good things about being a colonial person that isn't
> really into football.
> 1. I don't care.
> 2. I don't care.
> How cool is that?! Of course...I did watch the game (on the net) and was
> genuinly interested in the outcome. However, it was a game. If we'd won

> one, we'd probably just go and trash some pubs owned by people of another
> european nationality when we lost in the next round.

You say you're a colonial and then you say 'if we'd won' - make your mind
up! :)

> That part of football makes me sick.
> Enjoy the game. Not the violence :(
> --
> Nelly


> thought a player of his experience might be expected to note the state of
> the ground beside the penalty spot, even so, being as he gets to place the
> ball there.

Perhaps he was expecting it to conform to UEFA regulations and did not need
checking. Perhaps his professional experience should've also prompted him to
give the ref an impromptu eye test and measure the goal posts too. . . .

Then again, expecting sympathy for the England team from a Welshman is
perhaps expecting a little too much - have you taken down the Portugal flags
yet? ;-)

In message <cbhpi7$40s$1@newsg4.svr.pol.co.uk>, Badger
<badger@spammersgospamoff.badger-co.freeserve.co.uk> writes
>"Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote in message

><snip> >
>> The goal wasn't allowed because it was scored by England, the country who
>> knocked the refs country out of the tournament a game earlier.

>Ooooh! Sour grapes there perchance?
>At least we Scots didn't go, we'd have got knocked out even sooner,

You did.
Reply to address is valid at the time of posting
E> You say you're a colonial and then you say 'if we'd won' - make your
E> mind up! :)

Your parents have to come for somewhere ;-) Mine are from Stockton-on-Tees.
I'm not however ;-)

I do have a UK Passport, and two birth certificates - which is


On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 19:08:44 +0100, "Badger"
<badger@spammersgospamoff.badger-co.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:

>Ooooh! Sour grapes there perchance?

But of course - what's the point otherwise?

>At least we Scots didn't go, we'd have got knocked out even sooner,

Scots have a different attitude. Stand shoulder to shoulder with the
English in times of war. All other times the trade in shirts of the
opposing team is rife (and long may that continue, as it's rather good

Some Land Roveresque (101 biased), links available
from: http://links.solis.co.uk/Geek/X4_Land_Rover/
I also have a little Land Rover site biased toward
my beloved 101 "Grumble", at: http://www.101fc.net

Reading this in 'alt.fan.landrover'? Did you know
there's a group FAQ: http://www.aflfaq.dyndns.info
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 20:46:24 +0000 (UTC), "The Neffalump"
<dmd@www.mudgnu-club.com> wrote:

>I guess there's 2 good things about being a colonial person that isn't
>really into football.
>1. I don't care.

Neither do I,

>2. I don't care.

Neither (still) do I - however, I'm not English, and however (2) I do
like to follow the odd game of footie as it's a bit of a laugh. What
ruins it is the injustice, the total injustice, the sodding tosser
refs who should be taken out into Derbyshire and horsewhipped...

Not that I take the odd game that seriously, of course...


>That part of football makes me sick.
>Enjoy the game. Not the violence :(

Nor the racism. Thankfully you identify a small and increasingly
insignificant faction of the 'game'.

Some Land Roveresque (101 biased), links available
from: http://links.solis.co.uk/Geek/X4_Land_Rover/
I also have a little Land Rover site biased toward
my beloved 101 "Grumble", at: http://www.101fc.net

Reading this in 'alt.fan.landrover'? Did you know
there's a group FAQ: http://www.aflfaq.dyndns.info
On Fri, 25 Jun 2004 20:55:54 GMT, "Exit" <exit@nomore.com> wrote:

>You say you're a colonial and then you say 'if we'd won' - make your mind
>up! :)

Eh? I thought he said he was a Colonel...
