On Wed, 1 Nov 2006 21:27:11 -0000, "Richard Brookman"
<THErichard.brookmanOBVIOUS@btinternet.com> scribbled the following

>Nige wrote:
>|| http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3563784723686953251&q=shakera
>I still think this one
>is the one to beat. No touching down between gears - in the air all the way
>from 60 to 140! Being a Hayabusa, I assume that's mph not kph. DTTAH,



Simon Isaacs

"Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote"
George Jean Nathan (1882-1955)

ROT13 me....
On or around Wed, 1 Nov 2006 21:06:26 -0000, "Nige"
<nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> enlightened us thusly:


feckin' nutter.

reminds me of the bloke who videoed himself doing 300kph in his ferrari, and
later found the tape used in court against him.
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
Travel The Galaxy! Meet Fascinating Life Forms...
>> http://www.schlockmercenary.com/ << \ ...and Kill them.

a webcartoon by Howard Tayler; I like it, maybe you will too!
Austin Shackles wrote:
> On or around Wed, 1 Nov 2006 21:06:26 -0000, "Nige"
> <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> enlightened us thusly:
>> http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3563784723686953251&q=shakera

> feckin' nutter.
> reminds me of the bloke who videoed himself doing 300kph in his
> ferrari, and later found the tape used in court against him.

Aye, F40 in Japan wannit? I'm starting to edge towards a really nice KTM 640 Adventure R for winter!
Might sell the KTM 520 SX motocrosser to fund it.........



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover Turbo Diesel 110 (G)
KTM 520 SX (2001)
Kawasaki ZZR 1100 (1995)

Richard Brookman wrote:
> Nige wrote:
> || http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3563784723686953251&q=shakera
> ||
> I still think this one
> http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-6362400596406421511&q=wheelie
> is the one to beat. No touching down between gears - in the air all the way
> from 60 to 140! Being a Hayabusa, I assume that's mph not kph. DTTAH,
> kids.

I'm not boasting, but I doubt it's that difficult. I don't condone
on-road antics, but I once surprised myself (and the girlfriend!) by
accidently pulling a wheelie after turning right out of a junction on
to a quiet, fast straight on a country road. Since it seemed so easy
I kept the wheelie up, and even changed gear, so I went from not far
off zero to 90 or so without putting the front down. Even then it was
only because I was worried about the pillion...

Regards, Danny

http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/EU ordering for Malabar Gold blend)

Simon Isaacs wrote:

|| On Wed, 1 Nov 2006 21:27:11 -0000, "Richard Brookman"
|| <THErichard.brookmanOBVIOUS@btinternet.com> scribbled the following
|| nonsense:
||| Nige wrote:
||| I still think this one
||| http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-6362400596406421511&q=wheelie
||| is the one to beat. No touching down between gears - in the air
||| all the way from 60 to 140! Being a Hayabusa, I assume that's mph
||| not kph. DTTAH, kids.
|| Dunno....
|| http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-157957065604396536&q=wheelie

That's just showing off!


Take out the obvious to email me.

Danny wrote:
> Richard Brookman wrote:
>> Nige wrote:
>>>> http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3563784723686953251&q=shakera

>> I still think this one
>> http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-6362400596406421511&q=wheelie
>> is the one to beat. No touching down between gears - in the air
>> all the way from 60 to 140! Being a Hayabusa, I assume that's mph
>> not kph. DTTAH, kids.

> I'm not boasting, but I doubt it's that difficult. I don't condone
> on-road antics, but I once surprised myself (and the girlfriend!) by
> accidently pulling a wheelie after turning right out of a junction
> on to a quiet, fast straight on a country road. Since it seemed so
> easy I kept the wheelie up, and even changed gear, so I went from
> not far off zero to 90 or so without putting the front down. Even
> then it was only because I was worried about the pillion...

Pulling a wheelie on a powerful bike is simple, it's the speed the loon is doing it at!

I can pull a huge wheelie on the KTM as long as you want in second gear, it's only got four gears so
second is a long - long gear! But, I'm off road & not doing those speeds!



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover Turbo Diesel 110 (G)
KTM 520 SX (2001)
Kawasaki ZZR 1100 (1995)

On or around Thu, 2 Nov 2006 18:26:37 -0000, "Nige"
<nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Austin Shackles wrote:
>> On or around Wed, 1 Nov 2006 21:06:26 -0000, "Nige"
>> <nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> enlightened us thusly:
>>> http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-3563784723686953251&q=shakera

>> feckin' nutter.
>> reminds me of the bloke who videoed himself doing 300kph in his
>> ferrari, and later found the tape used in court against him.

>Aye, F40 in Japan wannit? I'm starting to edge towards a really nice KTM 640 Adventure R for winter!
>Might sell the KTM 520 SX motocrosser to fund it.........

You're just not happy if you're not changing vehicles every 5 minutes...

wanna buy a series III?
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others"
George Orwell (1903 - 1950) Animal Farm
Nige wrote:

> Pulling a wheelie on a powerful bike is simple, it's the speed the loon is doing it at!
> I can pull a huge wheelie on the KTM as long as you want in second gear, it's only got four gears so
> second is a long - long gear! But, I'm off road & not doing those speeds!

Also helps if you are accustomed to doing those speeds. It's second
nature on the Blackbird, on which we often do Paris in less than 1 1/2
hours from the ferry port on a sunday morning, including a coffee
break. There's no way I'd be keeping a wheelie up at over 130mph, but
then, I'm a woose at that sort of thing.

Regards, Danny

http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/EU ordering for Malabar Gold blend)

Lee_D wrote:

|| Richard Brookman <THErichard.brookmanOBVIOUS@btinternet.com> uttered
|| summat worrerz funny about:
||| That's just showing off!
|| http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=4605743187019394414
|| Wonder if they had a second date??
|| Lee D

At least she landed on something soft. Ouch.


Take out the obvious to email me.

Danny wrote:
> Nige wrote:
>> Pulling a wheelie on a powerful bike is simple, it's the speed the
>> loon is doing it at! I can pull a huge wheelie on the KTM as long as you want in second
>> gear, it's only got four gears so second is a long - long gear!
>> But, I'm off road & not doing those speeds!

> Also helps if you are accustomed to doing those speeds. It's second
> nature on the Blackbird, on which we often do Paris in less than 1
> 1/2 hours from the ferry port on a sunday morning, including a
> coffee break. There's no way I'd be keeping a wheelie up at over
> 130mph, but then, I'm a woose at that sort of thing.

Its not the speed really to me, i dont mind a bit of speed by any means, I can easily get the ZZR up to
silly speeds, but I dont like seeing that kind of behaviour on the roads. It's daft in this country as we
are just too crammed with cars & nuggets. I am loving bikes though, through & through. Not that I'm down
on you either matey!



Subaru WRX (54)
Land Rover Turbo Diesel 110 (G)
KTM 520 SX (2001)
Kawasaki ZZR 1100 (1995)

Reminds me of the time G/F brought a Kawasaki RX1000 i went to pickup with
mate in XJS, we ended up racing down A329M at 150+MPH, G/F in Jag whilst i
was riding her brand new toy. Great fun fastest i ever been on any road.
Certainly sobers you up, when you see the motorway cop on the overhead
bridge as you fly past at 2x the speed limit and then hear nothing. Reckon
i'm safe now that must be at least 12 years ago now

On or around Fri, 3 Nov 2006 20:44:13 -0000, "Nige"
<nigel.inceBUGGEROFF@btinternet.com> enlightened us thusly:

>Danny wrote:
>> Nige wrote:
>>> Pulling a wheelie on a powerful bike is simple, it's the speed the
>>> loon is doing it at! I can pull a huge wheelie on the KTM as long as you want in second
>>> gear, it's only got four gears so second is a long - long gear!
>>> But, I'm off road & not doing those speeds!

>> Also helps if you are accustomed to doing those speeds. It's second
>> nature on the Blackbird, on which we often do Paris in less than 1
>> 1/2 hours from the ferry port on a sunday morning, including a
>> coffee break. There's no way I'd be keeping a wheelie up at over
>> 130mph, but then, I'm a woose at that sort of thing.

>Its not the speed really to me, i dont mind a bit of speed by any means, I can easily get the ZZR up to
>silly speeds, but I dont like seeing that kind of behaviour on the roads. It's daft in this country as we
>are just too crammed with cars & nuggets. I am loving bikes though, through & through. Not that I'm down
>on you either matey!

You need one like mine - it's possible to have lots of fun while still being
vaguely legal.

The fun is in pushing things and "making progress", but on modern big bikes
it's sooo easy to end up doing a ton-twenty or more. Remember a couple of
years back, self and a mate swapping bikes (like you do) - Mine the modified
boxer and his a stock VFR750F. The VFR is smooth, fast, handles nicely if a
bit heavy in corners, and will happily accelerate quite promptly from 40 in
6th up to well over the limit in not very long. From what I hear, if you
push it harder it's much more involving and fun, but to get to the fun bit
you have to be doing 90+ which is a severe risk to yer licence, these days.

By contrast, on the Boxer, it's a challenge to keep 70-80 on a twisty
A-road, you need to use the gearbox and keep it on song and the handling is
much more lively at normal speeds - As you go out of Llandovery there's a
tight-ish 90+ degree left; comparing notes later, our respective thoughts on
eachother's bike were "**** me, this turns in quick" and "**** me, how do I
get this thing to go round corners?"
Austin Shackles. www.ddol-las.net my opinions are just that
"There are three sorts of people in the world - those who can count,
and those who can't" (Anon)
Austin Shackles wrote:

|| You need one like mine - it's possible to have lots of fun while
|| still being vaguely legal.

You remind me of the reason why I liked my favourite motorbike ever - a
Guzzi V50. It was a 500cc V-twin with sohc, and not terrifically fast. But
the handling was a dream (not a Honda Dream) and around the twisty roads of
N Lincs you couldn't ask for a better bike. Not fast enough to get you into
real trouble, and needed work to make it shift, but when you got it all
together it was heaven. Also, it made sense at legal speeds, unlike the
other bike I had when I lived there, a YPVS, which begged you to thrash it
mercilessly, even on the mud-strewn, dyke-surrounded roads of the parish. I
sold that one before it killed me. I have always regretted selling the Guz.
My one moment of motorcycle glory was a race (no, I don't race, it was a
simultaneous time-trial) with a local road-race champion on a Commando
(between Brigg and the Kelseys, if anyone knows where that is). He left me
for dead on all the straights, but I made it all back through the corners.
He was later heard telling of some guy on a BIG Italian V-twin (ha ha) who
he just couldn't shake off, big respect and all that. It got back to me,
and I had a grin for a week. Happy daze.


Take out the obvious to email me.

Nige wrote:

> Its not the speed really to me, i dont mind a bit of speed by any means, I can easily get the ZZR up to
> silly speeds, but I dont like seeing that kind of behaviour on the roads. It's daft in this country as we
> are just too crammed with cars & nuggets. I am loving bikes though, through & through. Not that I'm down
> on you either matey!

Same here. I don't like going with other riders - there's usually a
nutter who can't see what damage is done to biking by people like
them. I also do most of my riding in France, where the North is
mostly empty and even then I always poodle through villages etc.
Since I live in Portsmouth it's easy to pop over there.

Myself and girlfriend were on the ferry for one of our weekend jaunts
to Paris when we noticed far more bikes than usual boarding. Got
chatting later and found they were going to Le Mans. To see them
perform silly stunts in large groups as they rode through Le Havre
made me ashamed to be British and a biker.

Regards, Danny

http://www.gaggia-espresso.com (a purely hobby site)
http://www.malabargold.co.uk (UK/EU ordering for Malabar Gold blend)


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