Si K

I didn't!

it all went horribly wrong on xmas eve.

Woke up early, and went for a pee - and then the pain began - and I knew
exactly what it was - Kidney Stone!

Back in november I had a similar pain, and was told that by drinking plenty
it should have flushed through - it apparantly did not.

So there I am, 5 am on xmas eve thinking - aaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhh the pain.

Popped the strongest painkillers I had to hand and ran a hot bath, a
scalding hot bath - nothing - didnt touch the pain at all.

So, for once, I thought time to call the doc. Well, couldn't get through,
so rang NHS direct (0845 46 47) spoke to the very nice nurse, who said I
should go and see my GP

Waited for the surgery to open, and once opening time came round, I couldn't
get through. Then the phone rang "hello, its the surgery, we understand
you've been on to NHS direct, and they are concerned, and want us to see
you - can you get here at 10:30?" - "YES"

Next problem, SWMBO didn't want me to drive, and she cant as she recently
had a baby via c-section, but I said "whats the alternative?" so she
relented after I promised not to bend her car.

Doc took one look at me, and reached for the pad, wrote a "to the doctor"
letter and sent me to A&E

Got to A&E at 11:45, and they gave me a wonderful pain killing injection,
that really eased things for me.

Then I did bloods, tried to pee in a bottle for them, and had an ordinary

Then the doc wanted to check my prostate (2nd time in 2 weeks - I was not a
happy bunny) and then they decided that I needed an IVU - this is where they
inject a contrast and take a number of x-rays over an hour or so to see the
function of the kidneys.

Well, after an hour on the table the radiologist said I could get dressed
and go back to A&E. Hadn't got as far as the waiting area when the doc
called me over and showed me the films. My left kidney looks fab - you
could see all the bits flowing through it, must ask them for a copy of that
one, the right kidney....

..... wasn't there!

The doc then said that whilst it is possible to be born with only one, the
nature and severity of the pain I was getting meant that there was a
problem, and that I wasn't going home.

Now bear in mind that

a) my eldest is 3 and its the first xmas that he has really understood what
is going on
b) my youngest was 12 days old
c) my wife was (still is) incapacitated by having had the c-section
d) I hadn't seen or spoken to my wife since I left the house at 10:15 to go
to the gp, and it was now 4:45
e) we had family coming for chrimbo

well, that was a phonecall i really dont ever want to make again.

so they put me on a drip, and took me up to the ward

xmas day was a bit dreary, waking up in hospital, but at least the nurses on
duty made it bearable (they had got presents for all the inmates, sorry,
patients) and the xmas dinner was ok.

More bloods taken and more x-rays, confirmed that my right kidney wasn't
processing anything. ok, very very scared now

Then my wife came in, and at last I could get out of the poxy hospital gown
and get a bit more comfortable.

well, boxing day arrived, and so did the urology specialists. and they said
that the first thing to be done was to ease the acute situation - and to do
that, it was going to need a general anaesthetic, they would then pass a
tube up into my bladder, and then up towards the right kidney. THey would
then try and put in a "Stent" (little placcy tube) to allow the kidney to
drain down. They would also be injecting another contrast and x-raying to
try to locate the blockage.

Well, on wednesday afternoon I had that done, and today (friday) I am home,
in pain (different sort) and peeing red - which I spose is only to be

But I know that I have to go through it all again to locate the problem,
remove the stent, and remove the blockage, and we still don't know if my
kidney is ok.

At least my eldest enjoyed his christmas - the "basic" presents that I had
bought him have gone down a great deal better than expensive ones that
people got him, just wish I could have been there to see him open things.

Add to this the fact that the little bastards around here vandalised my
Rangie and I'm having a swell time - they decided to use it as target
practice, so all the glass on the drivers side has been replaced, and there
are some great dents in the door - typical as I want to sell it now!

so, as best I can I wish you all a happy new year

I really, really hope that my new year brings a better time than the end of


Si K wrote:

> I really, really hope that my new year brings a better time than the
> end of 2004
> Si

Jesus, hope it all ends ok!

Nearly everyone I know has been poorly this Christmas. I have had a nice relaxing time & I'm off to
Ingleton on Monday to do some walking! Next doors taking us in his XJR (he is the manager at local Jag
dealer) So no driving & a couple of ales at dinner!

Tonight is a family ****up!

Have fun!

Subaru WRX (The Bitch)

Series 3 Landrover 88" (Albert)

"If you tolerate this then your children will be next"

So Si K was, like

> I didn't!
> it all went horribly wrong on xmas eve.
> Woke up early, and went for a pee - and then the pain began - and I
> knew exactly what it was - Kidney Stone!

You poor, poor b*stard! I had a kidney stone earlier this year, and it's
the most painful thing I have ever had, EVER. I could only describe it (to
those who would listen) as like a heavy man standing on my right testicle,
and having no way to get him off. No change of position would relieve it,
and no painkiller would touch it (until I got into hospital and they gave me
Pethedine - twice the recommended dose - thank you nur...). If it's any
consolation, the urologist who treated me said that he had a number of
female patients who had given birth as well as having had kidney stones, and
they all told him that the stones were more painful. That convinced my wife
I wasn't just mucking about! An overconsumption of liquid on a Saturday
afternoon had dislodged it, but the circumstances made her suspect
"hangoveritis" for a good 48 hours.

Mine went away after a few days of its own accord, so in that respect I was
luckier than you. But BIG sympathy! Hope you are recovering OK.



Pas d'elle yeux Rhone que nous


"Richard Brookman" <newsboy@nowhere.com> wrote in message
> So Si K was, like
>> I didn't!
>> it all went horribly wrong on xmas eve.
>> Woke up early, and went for a pee - and then the pain began - and I
>> knew exactly what it was - Kidney Stone!

> You poor, poor b*stard! I had a kidney stone earlier this year, and it's
> the most painful thing I have ever had, EVER. I could only describe it
> (to those who would listen) as like a heavy man standing on my right
> testicle,

*that* is a pain I can associate with, but 2 different doctors and an
ultrasaound scan later I am still being told it is nothing to worry about!

The ultrasound was interesting, a bloke for an ultrasound surrounded by
loads of expectant mothers!

Simon Isaacs

Peterborough 4x4 Club Vice Chairman, Newsletter Editor and Webmaster (how
much more....)
Green Lane Association (GLASS) Commercial Officer
3.5V8 100" Hybrid, now LPG converted
Part owner of 1976 S3 LWT, Fully restored, ready for sale! Make me an
Suzuki SJ410 (Fiancée's) 3" lift kit fitted, body shell now restored and
mounted on chassis, waiting on a windscreen and MOT
Series 3 88" Rolling chassis...what to do next
1993 200 TDi Discovery (the Pug 106 is dead, long live the Pug)

Peterborough 4x4 Club http://www.peterborough4x4.co.uk
GLASS http://www.glass-uk.org
Wayfinder Project http://www.way-finder.co.uk


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