
Does anyone know how I can check the speed of my broadband connection?

"Richard" <richardsemailNOSPAM@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
> Does anyone know how I can check the speed of my broadband connection?
> Thanks
> Richard

Go to a fast download site and get something big. Run Windows Performance
Monitor (you can type Perfmon from a command prompt if you can't find it)
and set it to display Bytes Received/Sec from your network card.


Richard wrote:
> Does anyone know how I can check the speed of my broadband connection?

www.adslguide.org.uk click on speed test on the left column

Thank you. Its says downstream 702 Kbps - so I guess thats ok?

"Steve Taylor" <steve@ravenfield.com> wrote in message
> Richard wrote:
> > Does anyone know how I can check the speed of my broadband connection?

> www.adslguide.org.uk click on speed test on the left column
> Steve

"Richard" <richardsemailNOSPAM@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
> Thank you. Its says downstream 702 Kbps - so I guess thats ok?
> Richard

Sounds pretty good. Mine is 492Kbps downstream. Are you paying for a 512K
service and getting lucky, or are you paying for something faster?


On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 20:53:21 GMT, "Richard"
<richardsemailNOSPAM@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

>Thank you. Its says downstream 702 Kbps - so I guess thats ok?

Well that would depend on what your connection is supposed to be. I
have 600k NTL Broadband, and the test shows 563K, which isn't bad
really. If you have a 1meg connection and you're getting 703k, then
yes, it is dreadfull.

Its telewest. Am paying for 512K but they have just upgraded 512K customers
to 750K and 1M customers to 2M at no extra charge. Just wanted to check the
speed as pc seems slow. It was fast with win98 but with xp seems a lot

"David French" <david.not.spam.french@virgin.net> wrote in message
> "Richard" <richardsemailNOSPAM@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote in message
> news:5LFEc.354$vb3.3564784@news-text.cableinet.net...
> > Thank you. Its says downstream 702 Kbps - so I guess thats ok?
> > Richard

> Sounds pretty good. Mine is 492Kbps downstream. Are you paying for a

> service and getting lucky, or are you paying for something faster?
> David

Check out www.speedguide.net , specifically a tool called TCP Optimizer
here: http://www.speedguide.net/downloads.php You can "tweak" some XP
registry settings (read about it at speedguide, I won't bore you with the
details) and gain some significant speed in broadband connections. Try it
out: check your broadband connection speed, then run the TCP Optimizer
(choose optimize settings), reboot, and check again. I think you'll be
pleasantly surprised.

95 Coniston Green Discovery
near Seattle, WA, USA

On Wed, 30 Jun 2004 20:05:22 GMT, "Richard"
<richardsemailNOSPAM@blueyonder.co.uk> wrote:

>Does anyone know how I can check the speed of my broadband connection?


As you're a Blueyonder user then I can recommend Dan Elwell's
programme. You can find it at http://www.broadbandspeedtest.net/

Steve G

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