simon me

New Member
hello all what would you say is the better os map to go forwhen driving/finding green lanes the 1:50 or the 1:25 ? have not read a os map since i was in the scouts so about 15 years ago
and which ones would you say are best for covering Strata Florida area ,llandovery(mid wales), Salisbury plain. any help would be good so i can start looking for lanes etc
1:50k and go on the ordnance survey website for details of where each map covers.
I find the Landranger 1:50000's fine, but it's also worth checking the relevant local authority website for a copy of their definative map, which will show all the legally passable routes in the area. Some local authorities put them online and some don't, (if not there should be a paper version available) but used with whichever map you choose you'll have a good idea of where you can go and where you can't.
cool thanks all working out which ones i need.
can you just go down the local authorities office and have a look see?
cool thanks all working out which ones i need.
can you just go down the local authorities office and have a look see?

Best to phone and ask to speak to the rights of way officer. and arrange a time to view maps thru him,
OS Explorer is the one it have

only if you can afford 2 maps instead of 1.

whilst I agree tht 1:25k is excellent to use, If i was using purely paper maps for just lanes I would buy 1:50k. Walking and general on the ground stuff, 1:25k is the only way.

If you can afford to cover all your laneing areas with 1:25k paper maps, you can afford a laptop and memory map :)

Has anyone tried using memory map on the iphone? Just had a quick browse in the app store and there is a free version but dont know if you need to buy the maps after. Dont fancy paying for something if i would be better off buying the pc version
yu dont need memmap - all yu need is the QCTViewer app. It appears to do summat very similar and reads and follows Memmap QCT files.
I use it.
only if you can afford 2 maps instead of 1.

whilst I agree tht 1:25k is excellent to use, If i was using purely paper maps for just lanes I would buy 1:50k. Walking and general on the ground stuff, 1:25k is the only way.

If you can afford to cover all your laneing areas with 1:25k paper maps, you can afford a laptop and memory map :)


At 70p difference between the 2 from i would hardly its breaking the bank for the 1:250000
Cheers MHM, will have a look for that now

Think you get a couple of free small downloads with memmap free but then its about £10 a time after
just found a copy of msoft autoroute 2002 at the back of the cupboard would that show byways etc for lanning ?
Paper Maps:- for general use I use 1:50000 but for on the ground the 1:25000 give better detail, BUT, the 1:25000 tend not to be updated as often. Also go for the laminated all weather versions they may be more expensive (much!!) but you can clean em after they've gone in the mud a few times, also a highlighter pen just wipes off. ( official Scout Leader tip that one).
as for electronic maps -memmap all the way
I use mmap and 1.25000 maps too just an addict you know 1.25000 to see what we want to do and mmapto say where we are!!!!!:D

Cat 95
I use Memory Maps with the 1:25,000 on a tablet pc mounted into the dash. Works well if you pre-load your routes on, you just follow the line :)

Def. recommend it though - works well
1:25k MMap on a pda is a waste of time. The bloody thing is constantly scrolling the map to keep it on lock. use the 1:50k maps and you get 4times the coverage per screen. and the pda isn't struggling to keep up all the time. Or alternatively do what I've done & buy an Asus EeePC netbook with a 7" screen and a Maplins USB GPS Dongle. with incar screen mounting. best £150 I've spent in a long time.
that might be worth a try i read somewere but can not think were that there is a sat nav that can do this and has the pluss side that it can get me to the meeting place at the start of the day and home at the end i am right or just hopping

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