Down Under Drover

New Member

I am interested to hear how many of you prefer basically 'original' as in un-modified series vehicles, and how many are into chucking upgraded seats and suspension and interior etc etc into your Landy.

Me personally, I have kept the Wagon dead original, other than to paint it white to better suit the conditions out here in Aus, and I do like originality, but I guess 99% of em aint show cars so does it really matter??
I do think some of the modded trucks look awesome, particularly with a good set of wheels on 'em. CAN'T get ANYTHING out here to fit 'em. Do the Defender wheels fit??? too bloody expensive to do it, but I reckon they look great.

Anyways, what are your preferences
Humm, standard as can be, but, i wana use it, so if new spring designs make the ride better, i use em, new seats, yup. A have series II but previous owner put a Dahastsu 2.8 in it. It goes much better so i can use it for long trips.

I guess i am saying, as standard as i can but not if it means i leave it in the garage cos its not good enough to be transport. no cosmetic changes, just those with real usability benefits
I like it to look as it was built but I will use modern alternatives and safety upgrades such as a alternator to replace the dynamo fitting inertia seat belts (none fitted originally ) and halogen head lights (Tungsten originals).

And then there is all the modern oil seals and gaskets which do a much better job also new oils and lubricants Ie. semi fluid grease in the swivels etc.
so in short a completely original landy is almost impossible but you can keep to the spirit.
Cheers Gents,

Clivees, I think you hit the nail on the head and summarised what we are all feeling when you say "you can keep to the spirit."

And I believe it is precisely theis 'spirit' that makes Series, and Landies in general, so much fun, so addictive and so much better than 'the rest'

Decent seats and parabolics.....cause i like my backbone

White 8spokes and fat MT tyres.....put em on for the winter but cant take em off cause they look AWESOME!! (how old am I?...good grief):confused:

Winch and tow hook on the front....cause I need em for work

CD player and BIG speakers....for when i'm fed up with telling the kids to shout louder (you dont often hear that!):eek:

Always like to know that she could be put back to original though

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