Anyone with a dash cam might like to know its AGAINST thelaw to use them on a "sucker" holder on your windscreen!!!!!.....they ddon't tell you that on Flea-bay .
If they are fitted within the stroke of the windscreen wiper this is correct, as technically it blocks your vision...
You will find if they are left on at mot time the tester will remove them or fail your vehicle..

It is exactly the same for dice and ****e hanging from your rear view mirror...

This has been law for a very long time...
who told you they are not legal, as said don't put it in the middle of your screen ,have you seen the amount of **** stuck to a traffic coppers windscreen.
If they are fitted within the stroke of the windscreen wiper this is correct, as technically it blocks your vision...
You will find if they are left on at mot time the tester will remove them or fail your vehicle..

It is exactly the same for dice and ****e hanging from your rear view mirror...

This has been law for a very long time...

on my last mot the lad said that to me so i moved it of the windscreen it passed
Sat nav is classified as a guidance system and for that reason don't gall under that law ( I asked the same question ) stupid really ...same sucker could hold two different things ...however one would be legal and one not.....madness!
As long as it doesn't obscure your line of vision it's fine. It's also technically illegal to take a swig if a drink, take your eyes of the road for a second, remove a hand from the steering wheel not in conjunction with controlling the vehicle and many other things like that...
mine sits up beside rear view mirror does not block any vision not a problem at mot time

Not true. If it falls within the "swept area" of the wipers it's a fail. I had that problem with a LZ sticker behind the rear view mirror. Couldn't see it in normal use, but it was in the swept area :(.
T'is one o them grey areas.

If yer in the wrong place and beein a smart arse with plod you maybe in a little bother.

Why leave it in a vehicle for some tw@t to pinch anyway?
As long as it doesn't obscure your line of vision it's fine. It's also technically illegal to take a swig if a drink, take your eyes of the road for a second, remove a hand from the steering wheel not in conjunction with controlling the vehicle and many other things like that...
So texting with both hands and steering with your knees is out then:rolleyes::rolleyes:
Being tall, when I look through the windscreen the lower section of my view through the swept area is oscured by the bonnet - is that an MOT fail?

had a cnut of a tester fail it because the disable badge was in the screen. Had to leave it on double yellows outside his garage cos he had no customer parking.. When I came back to collect the car. He'd failed it for the badge been there.. what a total cnut mind I told him he was a cnut anorl.. :D

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